Prayer Requests

Urgent Prayer Request

Thank-you for praying for our brothers and sisters in Peru which is
experiencing floods and mudslides of historic proportions.   A "state
of emergency" has been declared for 1/2 of the country.

Our missionaries are attempting to assess the damage; however, heavy
rains are expected to continue for 20 - 30 more days. The
missionaries expect overall repairs and replacements to total tens of
thousands of dollars. Medical needs are expected to arise in the
coming weeks. Drinking water and food are in short supply at best.
Cell phone service is spotty.

We value your prayers for our missionaries and their congregations in
this time of great suffering. Those desiring to help with these needs
should designate funds "PERU RELIEF" via BIEM.

BIEMs of Light December 2016


Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Tolik, son of BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk, underwent back surgery in Moldova in the last week of November. So far, recovery seems to be going well. Tolik was up and walking two days later. Praise the Lord for a Christian surgeon and for this report.
  • BIEM praises the Lord for the provision of a $40,000 matching-funds program to push several building projects to some final stages of completion, including needed interior furnishings! Please pray with us that the $40,000 needed comes in.

  • Pastor Andy Counterman, who is BIEM’s Field Director for Latin America, reports exciting progress among the young church planters there. Starting new churches is no breeze. Humanly speaking, it involves much time and energy. But God is blessing. One church is up to 55 people. Another up to 60. Another church planter is reaching native tribes in the jungles… May the Lord continue to bless the ministries of young men on fire for God!
  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, BIEM’s Bruce Tuttle speaks of his 10 Bible students and says he is  “delighted with the developments that are noticeable in their fervor and Christian leadership character.” Such words remind us of the Apostle Paul’s pleasure at Timothy’s eager desire to grow in the Word and ministry. Praise God for such young men!

PrayerPray with us!

  • Currently Igor Balashov and an evangelistic team are visiting churches in Siberia in places where “there are many fish, but few fishermen.” In all our prayers for buildings, programs, and resources, may we never forget simply to pray for the Holy Spirit to touch hearts and save souls through the preaching of His Word! (Igor sends thanks for prayers, too!)
  • In the past, we have referred to the puppet ministry of the church in Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine. Vitaly Yurchenko writes, “Please pray about upcoming presentations, as we have many scheduled for different places. Christmas is coming, and various churches and orphanages invite us. Pray for these outreaches.”
  • In Goncharovsk, Ukraine, missionary Alexander Petrenko has organized a floor hockey club for schoolboys. In addition to the playing their sport, he has Bible lessons with them. He requests prayer for these young men to understand and embrace the Gospel.
  • In Shahovskaya, Russia, Pastor Rumachik reports a bureaucratic delay that prevents hooking up a natural gas line to the new church building. This situation forces the believers to continue warming the building with electric space heaters, which is expensive. Please pray for a quick resolution to this delay.


BIEMs of Light August 2016


 August 2016

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • Pastor Samuel, who has been leading a growing group of believers in a predominantly Muslim area, rejoices that they can participate in the Great Commission. The church has been committed to discipleship and now sees good results, especially in college-age members who have gone on to serve as leaders of home-churches in various countries.
  • Praise the Lord’s protection through a cup of tea! One BIEM missionary couple serves in a mountainous region of Central Asia. After a female physician examined the wife, the doctor desired to become friends and invited her to tea. The husbanded regretted this delay—until on the drive home they discovered a rockslide had just occurred on their road!
  • In Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca Quispe visits jungle villages with the Gospel. Recently a couple in a village of the Yaminahua tribe donated a plot of ground with a thatched-roof structure to be used for Christian meetings. Praise God for their heartfelt gift to God’s work!
  • The church plant in Bilogorodka went ahead and conducted a camp on the church grounds even though the building is not complete. The neighborhood was canvassed, and our workers were thrilled with 80 campers from the community! Many parents attended the closing event.  Praise God for such wonderful results! This will open doors to homes and hearts of the community.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Although at this point details concerning interpretation and enforcement remain unclear, reports suggest Russia’s new anti-terrorism law could also be used as a tool against believers. Please pray for Russian believers and for their witness to increase, not decrease, for God’s glory.
  • Our first Central Asia home-church construction project is in progress. Pastor Barnabas owns a little plot of land next to his home, and the foundation for a small church building is already laid. Pray the building will be completed soon and allow believers a safe place to meet and worship.
  • Final summer camps are taking place this month, and we are rejoicing in large numbers of campers and many salvation decisions. Please continue to pray for God to work in lives, both of campers who have already been to camp and for young people soon to be in camp. Praise God for supplying the finances needed and a heartfelt word of thanks to each who gave for this need.
  • Elaine Smith, a pastor’s wife and the mother of a BIEM missionary, has been undergoing serious health issues. Praise God, physicians have located some blood clots and believe they can treat serious swelling she also has. Please pray for healing as she undergoes treatment.

BIEMs of Light July 2016


Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In June, Valery Ryzhuk and others made an evangelistic trip using rivers in the Far North of Russia. Praise God, souls repented and put their faith in Christ. A woman named Yulia told them that, before the brethren’s previous trip, she had been on the verge of suicide after the death of her son. The Lord used them to comfort and strengthen her in the difficult time.
  • BIEM helped sponsor a youth conference in Russia that both leaders and young people consider a huge success and blessing. Some confessed their sin and asked Christ for salvation. Others were deepened in their commitment! Pastor Pavel Rumachik writes, “Praise God for your participation in this fellowship. May God reward you as well!”
  • Thanks to the generosity of Faith Baptist Church in Lebanon, Penn., Micah and Alisha Tuttle were able to purchase and distribute 4 expensive flannel graph sets to 4 churches in the Republic of Georgia. Upon learning of the gift, a member of one church exclaimed that they had just started praying for such a tool for their children’s ministry! May God be praised.
  • Recently BIEM missionaries organized a special family camp in Central Asia. Forty-four people attended, a number of them being couples in which one is a Christian and the other is not.  By the camp’s conclusion, several attendees requested prayer and gave evidence of being close to placing faith in Christ. Praise God for such a gathering; may He bless all who attended.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Doctors for Elaine Smith, the mother of a BIEM missionary who had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure have determined that she has Lupus, which explains the issues she was having. Please pray that the treatment will be effective and that the Lord will be glorified in all this.
  • In Central Asia, Pastor Righteous reports an increase in people throwing rocks at him and his home. He notes the local populace seems to be emboldened by anti-Christian activities taking place in various countries of the world. Please uphold his family and other believers.
  • We are rejoicing that the funds needed for summer camps this year have been provided!  We Praise God for each gift.  By this point in July, some churches in Eastern Europe have already held their children’s or teen camps. Other camps have yet to take place.  Please pray for many to be saved.
  • In closing, here is one of our missionary’s plea: “Please pray with us that the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would penetrate the darkness of this increasingly Islamic land. The battle rages, time is short, Satan is powerful, we need God’s warriors kneeling in intercession before the throne of God, to keep us strong in the battle, and to help us snatch souls from the throes of death and the eternal flames of Hell.” Can you sense the sincerity of that request? Let’s pray for missionaries!

Fire in the Rehab Center

On September 30th, Vitaly Bilyak, BIEM’s missionary in Ternopil, Ukraine, received a call at 1:30 am. The Rehabilitation Center run by this new church was burning. Praise the Lord, neither the minister on duty nor the six rehabilitants living there were injured. However, since fire insurance is not a realistic option in Ukraine, there is an urgent need to do some rebuilding before winter sets in. Fortunately, the large, 2-story workshop recently built was untouched. Therefore the rehabilitants have been moved into this unfinished building to carry on that ministry. The rehabilitation work is crucial. It has successfully rescued lives from the bondage of drugs and alcohol. Even more critical, it has rescued souls from hell as former addicts repent and place their trust in Christ.

New Life Baptist church in the heart of Ternopil is certainly an urban location. Because some of this ministry’s first converts were drug addicts and alcoholics, the church saw and responded to the need for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. The program features Bible Study, personal counseling, and physical labor.

Since this rehabilitation center began in 2008, nearly forty men have successfully completed the program and are now living productive Christian lives. What a testimony of God’s great saving grace! However, an almost equal number quit the program, which of course is voluntary. Of those, 10 have already died as a result of their downward path. This gloomy fact highlights the shining victories in the lives of those who have concluded the program. The Rehabilitation Center has literally saved both the souls and the lives of dozens.

Because of the fire, there’s an emergency need of $10,000 to rebuild the exterior of the burned building and get it roofed before winter, and also to finish the portion of the workshop now being used for ministry. Certainly, more funds will be needed later, but the wonderful news is that some materials and all of the labor is being provided by Ukrainian believers. All of the windows and doors will be donated by a Ukrainian business owned by Christians. Volunteers from Ukrainian churches are already arriving to help.

Please consider helping with this urgent need. All gifts, no matter the amount, will be greatly appreciated. If you can help, please designate your gift “Rehabilitation Center" and send your donation to BIEM, 121 Commerce Drive, Suite 50, Danville, IN 46122. To make a donation online please click the red donate button at the top right of this page.

Following is a letter with photographs from Vitaly Bilyak.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="1" gal_title="Rehab Center Fire"]

Letter from missionary Vitaly Bilyak about the fire

Greetings to you, dear friends,

As you probably realize, the past week has been hectic. Because of the fire at our Rehabilitation Center, we’ve had to change all our plans.

The fire started overnight between September 29 and 30. God saved all six rehabilitants and the minister in a miraculous way. One of rehabilitants dreamed that the house was on fire. It scared him, and he woke up to see the fire was real.Praise the Lord that nobody was hurt or killed. Everyone is all right.

This letter is a summary of the situation. Wehadtomakedecisions about the future of the center.

One idea was to send the rehabilitants away to other centers. We rejected it and decided to continue our ministry while renovating the building.


The house was destroyed so badly we had to remove the roof. We need to rebuild the upper part of all walls (about1.6 feet). The doors and windows (except for one) are totally destroyed. The recent kitchen addition is gone. The bedroom burned, too, along with all the beds and the men’s personal belongings.

Praise the Lord that we have a big workshop and a large room for the storage.

We moved the rehabilitants to the shop’s large storage room. We use an electric heater. The shop is the temporary living room, dining room, and storage for building materials. We’ve added a temporary shower and electric boiler to the shop rest room.The washing machine is also there.

Plans and needs

We need to act quickly! Since winter is coming and fall is a season of hard rains,we need quick, decisive action. The dirt road is really bad, so Step 1 is to buy and transport building supplies before the heavy rains.

Rehab Center – the house

Our plans are to fix all the walls in the building before winter. It is also important to rebuild the roof and attic.

We plan to create a higher roof than we had before. That way, we will gain a loft for center’s needs. (In the loft we want to build two-three rooms for fellowship and a library.)

While working on these immediate steps, we will plan the following stages.

Rehab Center – the workshop

In order to continue this ministry in wintertime, we must make bedrooms for the rehabilitants. It is much quicker to make rooms in our workshop than to wait for the burned house to be rebuilt. When we planned to make living quarters above the shop, our plan was to have several rooms for rehabilitants who have no place to go after they finish the program. The fire forced u

s to speed up this work. Such living quarters will allow the men to spend the winter relatively comfortable. Before and during the winter, the rehabilitants and we will reconstruct our building. After we complete the renovation, the men will move back to the house, and the dormitory over the shop will be used as we planned.

Here are the steps we need to take:

-       Finish the floor.We have wood for it; we only need some panels (OSB) for the rest room.

-       Mount the dry wall.

-       Do the electrical wiring (outlets, switches).

-       Install a water heater. Water is already there.

Most of this work we will do on our own or with the help of willing friends from other churches. We need at least $10,000 for building materials and transportation. We will be extremely grateful for your help in renovating the Rehabilitation Center for alcohol and drug addicts.

With all respect and prayers for God’s richest blessings upon you,

Yours in Christ,

Vitaliy Biliak

Special Prayer Needs for Ukraine

Special Prayer Needs for Ukraine

Special prayer needs Ukrainian believers asked us to convey.(Updated 3/19/2014)

  1. Please pray for civil peace in that nation. Citizens in the West and in the East of Ukraine need to return to a state of living together peacefully and participating in one unified society.
  2. As people see the failures of human political leaders, pray they would realize the need to put their hope in the Lord. This is a prayer for a revival that would turn Ukrainian people to God.
  3. Pray that exterior powers would refrain from interfering with the internal affairs of the nation during this difficult time.
  4. In light of the many changes in government offices, please pray for the country’s internal structure to be rebuilt and stabilized.
  5. Another concern is the number of people who are carrying weapons. Criminal elements were operating during the unrest, taking advantage of the distractions. Pray for law and order to prevail.
  6. Pray that this situation would result in opportunities for God’s people to evangelize. This would require being able to draw people’s focus off of politics—not easy to do these days.
  7. Please pray that whatever government or leaders God allows to remain or come into power, that Ukraine would continue to have freedom to preach the Gospel and do missionary work.

Thank-you for joining us in praying for the people and the nation of Ukraine!

Young Orthodox Priest Causes Problems at Bible Meetings

In Komarivka, Ukraine, a young Orthodox priest has begun attending the Baptist churchservices and is causing problems. He accuses the locals of teaching heresy and refuses to stop coming until he converts them all to Orthodoxy. The missionary doesn’t want to throw him out physically, but requests prayer that God will open this young man’s eyes the same as He did to young Saul.

Young Believer Brutally Attacked for Christ

In one of the restricted lands where our missionaries work, a young woman was brutally attacked a week after her baptism. She had to flee her hometown. Please pray for her health, safety, and adjustment to the new area. A male new believer, Ali, has been threatened by family members. Please pray for these and others taking their first steps on the Christian path in these hostile lands.

Islamic police question neighbors of BIEM national pastor to accuse him

One of our active former Muslims in Central Asia is Pastor Eagle. He has seen good spiritual fruit with souls turning to Christ. However, the local police are questioning all the neighbors about him in their efforts to find any accusation against him. Pray for him and his wife. Meanwhile, Pastor River has 5 groups to which he ministers. They baptized 10 people this past summer! Read the full report in November's BIEM’s of Light

BIEM makes initial delivery of Bibles to Arab Christians

BIEM is excited to have made an initial delivery of Bibles and related materials to former Muslims in order to assist them in evangelizing a particularly restrictive nation. (Forgive the vagueness; we’re being elusive for a reason.) May the Lord use His Word to save souls! Read the full report in November's BIEM’s of Light

Central Asian Pastor chased through street by angry Imam

A Pastor in Central Asia reports that on the way town they met the village Imam in the street. He grabbed a club, and five other men with clubs chased them through the village. Laughing, River said, “They wanted to beat us to death; they ran really fast, but we praise God, we ran even faster. They did not catch us.” This Imam is the same one who was very angry at his daughter for being arrested with believers a while back. River said his rage stems from the fact that his entire family has left Islam and trusted Christ and been baptized. He is the only one left in the family to repent. Please pray for this man to recognize Jesus as the Son of God and repent. Read the full report in September's BIEM’s of Light

BIEM sends thousands of New Testaments for Muslims in Russia

Pastors in the Moscow area have written to thank BIEM for the gift of thousands of New Testaments in the Uzbek, Turkmen, and Kyrgyz languages. Muslims from all of these nations (which were once part of the USSR) have settled in Moscow for work. Praise God for willing workers, for whom these New Testaments in native languages are vital tools. Read the full report in August's BIEM's of Light

God opens another field for BIEM in Latin America

Many friends of BIEM don’t realize that our founder, Ukrainian-born Peter Slobodian, received Christ and began serving the Lord in Argentina. He and his wife Mary occasionally returned to Latin America to visit friends and to evangelize in Spanish. Now BIEM has accepted an opportunity to boost church planting in Latin America, the continent of our roots. The “beachhead” for this evangelistic thrust is Peru. In that country, there are two fundamental Bible schools for national believers. The students receive a solid foundation of Bible knowledge and training in church-planting. However, after graduation these men face an uphill struggle. Despite ministerial training, they must work secular jobs simply to survive.

Enter BIEM. We have experience providing limited-time support to approved nationals to help them plant churches. What we don’t have is a Bible school in South America. Conversely, there are quality schools, but not a program to assist graduates. In this win-win scenario, the schools already there will provide the education, plus recommendations concerning graduates, and then BIEM would financially aid such men for two years while they focus on evangelism and church-planting.

This model is reminiscent of Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” When the goal is spiritual fruit for God’s glory, it’s unimportant who planted or watered (or who taught, and who financed). We merely want to see souls saved to the glory of God.

Why limit the support to two years? This time period was recommended to lessen the risk of nationals becoming dependent on American dollars. Another advantage is that U.S. churches who want to take on such a project don’t need to pledge support forever. In 24 months, their commitment is done. Even if the church planter ends up working part-time after the initial two years, in the worst-case scenario his church is two years farther along than it would have been.

The first candidate, Segundo Rodriquez, has already been accepted and is busy on his field in Peru. The second man that we aim to help was saved out of drug addiction. He has already started a church in his mother-in-law’s home, which is in a drug-ridden area of Urubamba. (At the moment, he drives a taxi to earn a living and can’t concentrate on church-planting.) The third and fourth men hope to work as a team in the Peruvian interior.

Of course, accountability is crucial. These church planters will be answerable to a team of five advisors (three Americans and two Peruvians) who teach at the schools in Trujillo and Urubamba. In addition, BIEM board member Pastor Andy Counterman will oversee this program as part of his regular ministry trips to Latin America.

The pluses are abundant: trained workers, endorsements, favorable economics, a system of accountability and oversight, local advisors, and good stewardship. If this program functions as well as we hope, then we can expand it into other Latin countries.

We praise God for another way to serve God and to grease the wheels for world evangelism!

[box type="info"] The church planters in South America will receive different amounts of funding, depending on whether they are single or married, and living in the jungle, a town, or a city. One-time gifts for this initiative can be designated “BIEM South America.” Just 10 churches giving $70/month for two years starts a church. Can you help? (Of course, gifts from individuals are also welcome.)[/box]

BIEM's Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center Waiting List Grows

BIEM's Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center is currently at capacity with men whose lives have been hurt by addictions.  The Rehab Center now has a waiting list that is continually growing with more and more men who want to change their lives for the better.  This is not done on their own power, but through the power of Christ in their lives.  Instead of the hopelessness of their addiction, hope is giving through a personal relationship with Christ. Current recovered addicts are making bunk beds with their own tools to accommodate as many men as possible.  There is also a need for a similar women's Rehab Center.  Will you consider giving to these needy ministries?

Praying for South American Pastors


About ten years ago several pastors were actively teaching in the Bible College and Seminary in Trujillo, Peru. I had the privilege of being able to participate in this process. It was then that I met three of the five present advisers we use to get national trained men into the BIEM pipeline. I was invited to become a board member of BIEM soon after this Peruvian teaching opportunity. This sparked the expansion of BIEM into the S.A. field. Prior to this, BIEM was busy in Eastern Europe.

After presenting the idea and getting board approval, the process was presented, revised, given to the advisors in the field (now five in Peru) and fashioned as a prototype for this area of the world. Several mandates were incorporated:

  • There must be local approval of any candidate;
  • The advisers would not have the ability to make the final choice of candidates, but would defer to the board;
  • Candidates must be a graduate of a recognized school in the targeted country (hopefully, expanding from Peru to other SA countries);
  • Funding would be for a two year block for a church starter who would continue to pastor the church and continued support for the church starter who felt gifted in this position (upon review and approval).

Accountability would be in three tiers:

  • The missionaries and teachers on the ground in the target country;
  • Trips to the field by BIEM board member(s); and
  • By BIEM itself with financial accountability to all who contribute. We pray that the program in SA will prove to be accountable and accepted by all who come under the burden to accelerate the gospel in this very open field.

This is the real advantage of the program: a national pastor/church-starter can be fully underwritten for about 500 dollars per month. They know the language, the country, the diet, the laws, etc. There is no language school, cross-cultural adjustments, and, they minister where their homes and families are. This is a win, win, win situation.


BIEM started with five candidates. Of that group, one man, Segundo Rodriguez, is in church starting and evangelism as well as a teacher of his own countrymen. He came to BIEM fully supported. The second man Joel Gamboa ministers in Trujillo in a drug-infested area of the city. He is a graduate of the seminary in Trujillo and was driving a taxi to feed his family. The third man is Luis Escobar. He is a graduate of the school in Trujillo and is starting a church in Tarapoto, a high jungle city of 68,000 souls in central Peru. The fourth man is David Toribio, ministering in the south-eastern city of Puerto Maldonado near the borders of both Brazil and Bolivia. Here, David wants to start a Baptist Church with a 10 believer core. The fifth man is Parcemon Jiminez. JP is pastoring in a Baptist church in Zarumilla, Peru. He is another graduate of the seminary in Trujillo and, like the other men comes highly recommended by his peers. Future goals include expanding the influence of his ministry into Ecuador, specifically, the city of Machala. We already have the next man in BIEM’s pipeline for support. His name is Ruben Quispe in the Cusco-Calca area of central Peru. Ruben wanted to be a Doctor before God called him into the ministry. He also trained in Trujillo and has taught in the Bible college in Urubamba (the second school that we consider men).


In August, BIEM will again have a presence in Peru. This will be a trip to gather more men for the future underwriting program. Also, there will be an onsite evaluation of three of the existing works. Time will be spent in Trujillo and Urubamba interviewing and gathering solid recommendations.


As churches and individuals get a burden for SA, BIEM stands ready to provide an accountable avenue for church expansion using graduates who are native to their land. The cost benefits are obvious as are the cultural benefits. This endeavor compliments the work of other men and mission boards and is in cooperation with several other Baptist groups for the stated ends. The target is needy, the men are trained and recommended by both peers and missionaries, the cost is very reasonable, and the goal is achievable.

BIEM Sends Container to the Country of Georgia

Volunteers and friends of BIEM from all over the States came together and donated much needed items of humanitarian aid, literature, bicycles and medical supplies to Georgia.  BIEM Missionaries Charles & Nina Hoblitz have been ministering to the city of Gori and other neighboring cities around Tbilisi the capital. Please pray that God would use these supplies to reach those who need help physically and spiritually.

2004 BIEM Summer Camps


Praise God for a wonderful camping season! This summer over 700 attended 15 different BIEM sponsored camps in Ukraine and Russia. All in locations where we have planted new churches. Many of the camps were conducted on the church grounds. This enabled more of the children in the area to attend than in past summers when we had to limit some villages to 10 children due to transportation and space issues. This is primarily the reason our number of campers reached a record number this summer. Praise God for many who received Christ and made life-changing decisions as a result of these camps.

It is thrilling to see the dramatic results of young lives transformed through Christ shine in the lives of returning campers. Officials from the orphanage in Tuchkova have been amazed that some of the children whose behavior problems they normally treat with medication have improved. When quizzed about the reason for their improvement, these youngsters said it was due to the love of Christ they have in their hearts! Through this, two workers at the orphanage who previously avoided all contact with our efforts began to attend meetings. Many parents and relatives attended the closing services of the camps were moved to tears. In one meeting the vice-principle stood up and said "You have changed us by your love, kindness and trust in God not only in the hearts of our children but also many of our hearts."

As, you can see from the reports below, the fruit of these efforts went beyond the children but also touched the hearts of parents, grandparents and even community leaders. Our children’s workers and all at BIEM are grateful to you for your gift towards this summer’s camping program. By making these camping programs possible you have made an eternal impact on many young people whose hearts have been touched by the love of God this summer. We trust that these reports and pictures will be a blessing to you.

July 2004 Komarivka, Ukraine

Praise be to God that this month we had a great opportunity to have a Christian camp at the church. It was very good testimony in the village though there were cases when old people told bed things and cursed the parents who were brining their kids to the camp, to the church. However praise be to God that most of the village people had good attitude for us and the camp we held.

Children enjoyed the camp. They wanted to be there and cheerfully spent their time in the camp. They were seriously preparing program on which they wanted to invite their parents at the end of the camp. Not all parents came to see the program, but praise be to the Lord ten of them did. The parents were pleased and thankful for the important and good work that is doing for children’s upbringing. The parents listened to God’s Word very attentively. The seeds of the Word of Truth were sowed in their hearts. Please God this seeds would grow out.

When we asked children what else they want they answered all together that the camp would go on. This was a mark for our work. We are heartily thankful to God and to you for the care you continuously show to us and to God’s work in this place.

July 2004 Borivka, Ukraine

Praise and thankfulness be to our Lord for the wonderful time of grace, that God’s Word is proclaimed in this place too, that we can teach children freely and guide their steps on the way of life with God. By God’s great mercy and due to your support we could hold a week Christian camp. It had important influence on people and their attitude to the church and God’s work.

There were very cheerful and happy days for children. They came to the camp with joy and left the camp with joy. There was a lot of work on the field at that period of time. Nobody paid attention for children and they were left to their own device. So it was a good opportunity to work with the kids and to tell them about Christ and about God’s love for them. They praised God in songs, learned golden verses from the Holly Scripture, and listened to the stories about life of Christ and saints. It was the first meeting with the Lord and Gospel for many children. Also they were preparing a special program for their relatives whom they invited on the last day of the camp. Some of the children quoted poems; another sang songs or retold a story.

All parents and relatives had been invited but just few of them came. There were 50 children in the camp and just 12 grownups came to the program. However praise be to God for this too. The parents saw what their children were doing and what kind of spiritual food they were eating and tasted it themselves. The parents heard joyful singing of their children. Many of them had tears in the eyes but some were indifferent. The same way people in the village had different attitude to our work. Some told that this good work others that we want to stole their children. If God do that these people would give up their sinful deeds and the way of life that lead their unbeliever homefolk.

So we thank you heartily one more time for your care and for the help in doing God’s work in this place too. May God bless you and repay you thousand fold.

July 2004 Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine

When the van with youth drove up to the church building the children had already crowded in the yard looking for opening of the camp. It was cheerful meeting as for children so for leaders that had met each other last year and became friends in the same camp in Chervona Sloboda. For many children such camps are the only opportunity to rest and receive spiritual information and knowledge about church, to make new friends.

During two weeks children from the villages of Ch. Sloboda, Yuriv, and Kopiivka listened to Bible stories, played games, learned and sang Christian songs, ate different delicious things, and at the last day of the camp prayed a prayer of repentance.

There were fellowships with youth in the evenings. We learned Christian songs, watched Christian films, and just talked. One boy turned to God in prayer just over the fire where the fellowship was. The boy has an interesting story and I will tell it to you in outline. Yura, this is the boy’s name, was in the camp in Zgurivka the month last month and he liked there very much. He asked to go to other camps with youth as a helper of a leader. There had been no time before that when unbeliever was taken to the camp as a helper. However Yura asked very hard and it was very difficult to say him no, so he was taken as leader’s helper but he was put on probation. Yura gave a good account of himself in the camps. He did any work, everything that was asked him to do, but just one thing was bad of him, he was smoking secretly. Of course everybody new about it and were waiting from him to deal with the problem.

There was a time when everybody gathered about the fire to have fellowship. That evening was special because it was the last evening in the camp and it was a farewell fire. There was a special air of joy and sadness, nobody wanted to go away. Yura also understood that tomorrow he would part with guys who became his friends. Also he understood that something was between him and believers, something that separated them. When Yura stood before everybody to repent and accept Jesus everybody rejoiced. And everybody rejoiced even more when he took cigarettes out from his pocket and through them into the fire. There is how one more person was born for the Lord. Next day when it was time to say good-bye Yura told: “I am in a hurry to get home because I am looking for telling everybody how God has changed me”.

This camp was a great blessing for everybody. I am very thankful to you for you prayer and financial support. Due to you God’s work is being done here. May God bless you!

July 2004 Tuchkova, Russia

With your help we once again conducted camp though finances permitted us to have 25 rather than 50 campers plus 5 workers. The camp was conducted on a Christian base "Streamlet" which is located in a fine place of the Moscow suburbs. Children lived in the rooms that housed 8-10 persons.

The program has been constructed on the Bible. Scripture was studied and there was much singing of Christian songs. We also conduct bible lessons and children made various hand-made articles and circles. It was very healthy. When I have asked them about to what to them to give the gift they have told, that it is not necessary to them more than any gifts because the camp is the best gift.

Two teachers from the orphanage accompanied the children. They did not want to go because they knew that it will be carried out by Baptists. But after the first week they completely changed their attitude towards believing people and asked that if believers could conduct future camps. They also completely changed their attitude to the Bible and prayer. In fact they saw and heard, how children prayed. They noticed, how the behavior of children changed and were amazed.

The camp lasted 15 days. If we could find the means it would be possible to be with them all the summer long. We are grateful to the Lord and His people for helping us with this camp ministry the last few years. We also hope that next year we can conduct a similar camp for street children.

June-July 2004 Report by Ukrainian Children’s Worker Luba Jumik

God has blessed the first two months of summer vocation in special way. With youth group of 7 people we could organize and held 5 camps for children from unchristian families; one of the camps were fore orphan children.


The first camp was at the orphanage in Zgurivka. As usually each day was filled with activities; there were entertaining and spiritual parts. When it was time for the children to go to bed we held evangelical services in the nearest villages. At the end of a service everybody could receive God’s Word.

At the last day of the camp in Zgurivka orphanage we organized for all workers a farewell dinner. Our youth were singing a lot about Christ, shared testimonies. I told about my childhood:

It was the time of communism. Once a chairman of the village council came to my parents and told that they would loose their parental rights and children would be taken to the orphanage because they brought us, children, to the church and taught us to pray to God. But God saved us from that and we grew up in Christian family that taught us to love God and people.

Some time later – I continued my story – I came willingly to one orphanage, probably it was the one to which authorities had wanted to take me, and testified to everybody, to the little ones and to the great ones, about wonderful deeds of God and still do it since that.

I noticed that the teachers of old age cried. Then a vice-principle stood up and said: “You have changed by your love, kindness and trust in God not only the hearts of our children but also many of our hearts.”


It was the first time we had camps in the villages of Salycha and Yuriv. Forty-five parents came to the farewell banquet in Salycha. One of the village teachers spent with all the day to see our work. At the end of the day she said:

“I am really impressed and wonder how you can keep attention of the children of every age. You have my students in your camp and they misbehave during the school classes, but they are sitting very quiet here.”

“Praise be to God, He keeps their attention” I answered.


There were camps before in the villages of Lypovka and Chervona Sloboda. However there were a lot of new children.

There were about 140 children at the last day of the camp in Lypovka, also some parents came. One mother even gave us small presents and promised “I will attend your services.”


God was with us in every camp. He guarded the children while they were running and playing games. He guarded us from evil people while we had fellowship with the youth from the villages and shared with them testimonies till late night. He spoke through us to children and parents.

For these two months about 700-800 children and grownups have heard about living God. Some of them have received Jesus in their hearts. Please pray with us about good sowed seeds that they would grow out and give much fruit.