Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People
1. Many of you will recall one of our videos that told the remarkable story of how the Lord used two elderly ladies to re-establish a church that had been closed and largely destroyed under occupation in their town. You can view this heartwarming video entitled “1+1= 70” at the following link:
We mention this story again because missionary Pavel Usach (who narrates the video) contacted us to ask for prayer for Anna, one of those ladies. Her health has suddenly deteriorated, and she can no longer walk. Please pray for Anna.
2. Recently we rejoiced that Ukraine passed a law exempting clergy from being conscripted to military service. This is good news for our practice of bringing our Ukrainian church planters to the USA to share in churches how God is using our war relief efforts to reach souls and lift the testimony of the church. However, besides being exempted from military service, for men between the ages of 18-60 to leave Ukraine, permission is also needed from a different sector of government. Since we have never had anyone denied, we were sadly surprised to learn this week that such permissions have been abruptly halted. We hope the suspension is temporary. Please pray that this is the case so that the men we have scheduled to come in April would be able to come.
3. In February, BIEM’s Vitaly Bilyak made his 21st evangelistic aid trip to the war’s frontlines. Joining him was BIEM church planter Sergiy Koop. They distributed gifts of food and shared the Gospel indoors and outdoors, wherever possible. These men ministered to both civilians and the military. In this, Part 1 of their video report, we see some of their outreach to civilians. Next week, Part 2 will show their outreach to soldiers. View Part 1 here:
4. Since last week’s update, we were blessed by a group of men who really did some heavy lifting! Not only did they deliver a whole auditorium of pews donated by Prairie Creek Baptist Church in Kingman, Indiana, but they helped us to unload them at our BIEM headquarters. These pews will meet the needs of Awakening Baptist church in the Obolon area of the capital city of Kyiv. They have been meeting in their basement for quite some time as the construction of their auditorium is a huge project taking years to complete. Nearing completion, they had no idea how to provide the seating necessary. This is the church that we have been helping reach out to the thousands of refugees from Bakhmut who have settled in their area. As they rejoiced at the news that their seating problem had been solved, they came to view God’s hand in blessing this way as a divine response to their extending themselves to help the very neediest people in their community. Praise God!
In Christ,
Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM