Uzbek Bible Project

We praise God for the successful completion of printing New Testaments in the Uzbek language. Half of those have reached their target country, but details are still being worked out for delivering part of them to a different country, so this is both a cause for praise and prayer. Uzbek is spoken by over 18 million 16,539,000 in Uzbekistan, 873,000 in Tajikistan, 550,000 in Kyrgystan, 317,000 in Turkmenistan

Besides the need BIEM has for these Bibles in Central Asia there are also large populations in Moscow and Istanbul who come to work. BIEM partners and personnel conduct outreach to these Muslim Uzbeks with Alexander Holminov in Moscow and a missionary in Istanbul.

Since it was increasingly difficult to obtain any Uzbek Bibles, our only recourse to meet our needs was to have some printed. Through the efforts of Alexander Holminov we rejoice in being able to have 5,000 printed. 

From our July BIEM’s of Light