September Video Update

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Warm greetings from Ukraine!  The Lord has blessed us here with great weather, which was very good since our team had the privilege of participating in two outdoor baptisms and an all church picnic.  One baptism was in Ternopil which is in Western Ukraine. This month’s video involves the other baptism which was in the area of Desna.  That is the place where a thriving church has been established on a large military base.  This church has launched two other church plants and will soon be launching a third.

This video features BIEM national missionary Igor Fomichov introducing the four new converts that had been baptized.  Three are from Chernihiv, a large city which has several colleges and universities.  The fourth person is from Goncharovsk, which is another military base north of Desna.  Praise God for folks responding to the Gospel and following the Lord in believer’s baptism.