April Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:



Dear Pastors and Friends,

Warm greetings from the Slobodians!  I do mean "warm" since I am writing from a restricted country where the weather is much warmer than what we have been experiencing back home.

This month's video comes from brother Sasha who is one of our Ukrainian brethren serving God in a foreign land. Brother Sasha was saved in our military base ministry in Ukraine where he was selected to be part of an elite special forces unit during his time in the military.  He has mentioned on occasion that his special forces experience in some ways helped prepare him for ministry in this land.  Because they are Ukrainian and not American, Sasha and his wife Julia have many more opportunities than would an American where he serves.  Praise God that souls are being saved, baptized and added to the church through this ministry.

In the video, brother Sasha mentions two needs.  Funds are needed to remodel the facility they meet in.  They do have official registration as a cultural entity which make their presence and meetings legal.  Maintaining a legal presence is expensive but of great importance.  Funds are needed for remodeling our facility here, and additional support is needed since their daughter Azaliya is enrolled in a private school which does not teach Islam as do the public schools.  If you would like more information about this outstanding couple and their ministry, please contact us at BIEM.

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian