Luis David Toribio

Luis David Toribio
Luis David Toribio

My Testimony

My parents were idolaters and supporters of feasts for idols in several areas of Northern Peru. In 2003, students from Baptist Seminary of Peru arrived in my town, which is called Viru. One of them invited me to the new church, and I went, but only a few times.

One day, at home, I felt my heart was empty. I remembered the Gospel that had been shared with me so many times. So I went to the small church and knocked the door. That student, Jose Churata, opened the door. I said, "I want to receive Jesus." He explained the Gospel to me again, and then I asked forgiveness from God and received Jesus in my heart. It was a Sunday, October 19, 2003. 

My Vision For The Ministry In Puerto Maldonado

For years later, in December 2007, my church, Bethel Baptist, sent me to Puerto Maldonado to spend two months there. Puerto Maldonado is the capital city of a rain forest region called Madre de Dios (Mother of God). Puerto Maldonado is close to Brazil and Bolivia, so there is a high level of commerce (legal and illegal), and there are a lot of natural resources that produce money, but there is also a lot of corruption and sin, which keep the city in poverty.

Madre de Dios has 109,000 inhabitants (14 years ago there were only 67,000 inhabitants). In the jungle there are several tribes that need the Gospel, but I want to work in the capital city to establish the first Baptist church there. (Currently there are fewer than 10 believers who can be the core for the new church.)

So my vision is...

  • To strength the core of believers by teaching them at public meetings and at homes
  • To disciple them with a vision for national and international missions
  • To evangelize all the city of Puerto Maldonado
  • To disciple the new believers
  • To propagate the Gospel to the tribes. I want the new church to seek opportunities to establish churches in the jungle areas
  • After training leaders to lead the new church (I think about 5 years), I want to work in another place, wherever God would lead me