April Video Update

Dear Pastors and Friends,

I recently returned from a trip to Ukraine, where I visited quite a few BIEM missionaries who are actively evangelizing and distributing war relief with the ultimate goal of sharing Christ with their countrymen. Although I often think how inspiring it would be if every one of you could join me on such a trip, that of course would be not practical even if there were no war. So, allow me to do the next best thing. At the Second Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, I participated in an Eastertime evangelistic outreach to local widows, some of whom lost husbands or sons in the war. After God-honoring music, a fine meal, and messages from God’s Word, all the widows (and a couple of widowers) received sacks of groceries to take home. The video link below will give you a small taste of this event—but without the cost of a plane ticket. 


BIEM’s personnel on both sides of the ocean thank you, our faithful supporters, for the war-relief funds that purchased the food. Although Easter 2023 has passed, we can still thank and praise God for sending a Savior from sin. And we once again thank all of you for your prayers and donations, which combine to enable BIEM to glorify God while introducing more perishing sinners to Jesus Christ. May He bless you richly!

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian