June Video Update

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Greetings! This month’s video comes from Kherson, the southern part of Ukraine where so much devastation has resulted from the Russians’ demolition of the Kakhovka dam. This part of that country had already suffered due to the Russian occupation and aggression. For local residents, the flooding has heaped misery upon misery.

But even though we would never wish for such a situation, we rejoice that believers connected with churches planted through BIEM respond to these circumstances as opportunities to aid suffering ones in the name of Jesus Christ and a chance to share the Gospel. Via the following link, you can join BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak on his recent war-relief trip, this time to the Kherson district.


This newest video is just one of many concerning our war-relief efforts, all accessible here:


The needs are ongoing and HUGE.  If you feel that God would have you to help, please designate your gift “War Relief.” Thank you to everyone for your prayerful support!

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian