Dear Pastors and Friends,
Each autumn, something special happens in our churches in Eastern Europe—the Harvest holiday. Harvest is similar to our North American Thanksgiving holiday in that both celebrations express thankfulness for what we have. But in Eastern Europe, Harvest is celebrated, not at home, but in a Sunday church service, where many members of the congregation praise and thank God with sermons, special songs, Christian poems, and typically a meal for all members and visitors.
Of course, in addition to thanking the Lord for that year’s fruits from the ground, churches also praise Him for souls saved and other spiritual blessings.
We at BIEM often receive photos taken at Harvest celebrations of churches we assisted in planting. This year, we received a video from the Baptist church in Lubyanka, a village situated northwest of the capital city of Kyiv. So, for our November video, we invite you to click the following link to pay a quick visit to these brothers and sisters in Christ in Lubyanka. Enjoy your visit!
Blessings to you!
Sam & Amy Slobodian