BIEMs of Light August 2016


 August 2016

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • Pastor Samuel, who has been leading a growing group of believers in a predominantly Muslim area, rejoices that they can participate in the Great Commission. The church has been committed to discipleship and now sees good results, especially in college-age members who have gone on to serve as leaders of home-churches in various countries.
  • Praise the Lord’s protection through a cup of tea! One BIEM missionary couple serves in a mountainous region of Central Asia. After a female physician examined the wife, the doctor desired to become friends and invited her to tea. The husbanded regretted this delay—until on the drive home they discovered a rockslide had just occurred on their road!
  • In Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca Quispe visits jungle villages with the Gospel. Recently a couple in a village of the Yaminahua tribe donated a plot of ground with a thatched-roof structure to be used for Christian meetings. Praise God for their heartfelt gift to God’s work!
  • The church plant in Bilogorodka went ahead and conducted a camp on the church grounds even though the building is not complete. The neighborhood was canvassed, and our workers were thrilled with 80 campers from the community! Many parents attended the closing event.  Praise God for such wonderful results! This will open doors to homes and hearts of the community.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Although at this point details concerning interpretation and enforcement remain unclear, reports suggest Russia’s new anti-terrorism law could also be used as a tool against believers. Please pray for Russian believers and for their witness to increase, not decrease, for God’s glory.
  • Our first Central Asia home-church construction project is in progress. Pastor Barnabas owns a little plot of land next to his home, and the foundation for a small church building is already laid. Pray the building will be completed soon and allow believers a safe place to meet and worship.
  • Final summer camps are taking place this month, and we are rejoicing in large numbers of campers and many salvation decisions. Please continue to pray for God to work in lives, both of campers who have already been to camp and for young people soon to be in camp. Praise God for supplying the finances needed and a heartfelt word of thanks to each who gave for this need.
  • Elaine Smith, a pastor’s wife and the mother of a BIEM missionary, has been undergoing serious health issues. Praise God, physicians have located some blood clots and believe they can treat serious swelling she also has. Please pray for healing as she undergoes treatment.