BIEMs of Light February 2018

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Belarus, BIEM was able to support financially Christmas outreaches from Dec. 24 – January 8. Hundreds attended these holiday services, including unsaved adults and orphans. Some had never attended any church service before. As a result, God was glorified, and some souls repented of sin and accepted the Savior!

  • Praise God for open doors! In December, two BIEM missionaries helped oversee an evangelistic outreach in 20+ locations. Over 500 boxes containing small gifts (Bibles, children’s salvation tracts, stuffed animals, toothbrushes, bouncy balls, candy, etc.) were prepared by a church in Tbilisi and then sent to various church plants or refugee settlements around the country. Through preaching, Christian films, direct evangelism, or house-to-house visitation, the gospel was given to over 500 children and young people across Georgia, as well as to many of their parents.

  • In Ukraine, three dedicated men were recently ordained to ministry. Two of them are BIEM missionaries. We praise God for men who sincerely love the Lord and desire to be used by Him!

  • The Kiev seminary is expanding!  This winter session plans were laid to add a Missions Department to the existing Theology, Christian Education and Music Departments.  Please pray for this effort which will begin with the Fall 2018 semester.

Prayer Pray with us!

  • In February, BIEM’s national missionaries Vitaly and Olena Yurchenko will be visiting supporting churches with Sam Slobodian. Please pray for safe traveling over many miles, plus blessed fellowship in the churches they visit.

  • In Peru, Wilber Huillca again requests prayer for the indigenous Yine people group, among whom he is actively evangelizing. May God open eyes and give salvation.

  • In Ternopil, Ukraine, Vitaly Bilyak reports that many new people have been attending services at the church’s new location. However, quite a few of them abstain from communion, which indicates they either aren’t saved or have unresolved sin. Please pray that they will be reconciled with God.

  • The rehabilitation center near Ternopil also needs a couple more dedicated men to lead that ministry. Please pray for God to provide.