BIEMs of Light March 2018

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Bilogorodka, Ukraine, a man named Valera who had once been a concert violinist but sank into alcohol dependency for many years has been attending services. When someone in the U.S. donated a violin to BIEM, Pastor Eugene Buyko presented the instrument to Valera as a gift – “for ministry.” Moved to tears, a week later Valera played a hymn for the church. Pray for his salvation!

  • Praise God for Muslims coming to Christ! Pastor Philip recently led 3 Muslims to faith in Jesus. A former imam who accepted Christ last summer has led an uncle to the Savior, and that man now attends a BIEM church plant. Also, Pastor Almond led a female Muslim to faith in Christ in a hospital. However, Mark and Fern, the only believers in their region of Central Asia, feel spiritually dry. Please pray for them to lead someone to Christ and for encouragement in a very tough place. 

  • Vitaly Yurchenko reports that the Gospel puppet ministry in Chervona Sloboda had ten performances in just one month, which included prisons, orphanages, disabled children’s homes, and other churches. Even the city administration requested and received a performance. Praise God for so many opportunities to share Christ!

  • In November’s BIEM’s of Light we requested prayer that Turkey would resume granting visas to Americans, which was halted due to a diplomatic dispute. Praise God this dispute has been resolved, and now BIEM personnel can travel through Istanbul once again, which is important for our outreach areas to certain countries

Prayer Pray with us!

  • In Desna, Ukraine, the unsaved father of BIEM’s church planter Igor Fomichov suffered a stroke that affects his left side. It also affects his thinking: he says nonsensical things. Concerned, Igor talks and explains the Gospel, but isn’t sure his father understands at all. Please pray for his father, whose name is Grisha.

  • Peruvian church-planter Ruben Villar Terrel is pleased with God’s blessing on their 40-member church. Yet, he foresees a coming need for deacons to help shoulder responsibilities. Please pray for God to prepare leaders who will be able to serve as deacons.

  • In March, BIEM plans to bring Ukrainian church planters Vitaly and Katya Bilyak to the U.S. to visit supporting churches. Please pray that all goes well with their travels and for blessings for both them and the churches that receive them.

  • In Facatativá, Colombia, William Suarez continues with the small church plant. The church has recently started a new women’s ministry. William’s main prayer request is the salvation of more souls as they do their part in the Great Commission.