BIEMs of Light October 2018

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We thank God for the total of 749 salvation decisions reported from the various summer camps BIEM sponsored, attended by over 3,000 children and youth. We also thank the Lord for those already believers, but who grew in faith through this year’s camp programs.

  • In Western Asia, three more souls recently repented of sin and placed their faith in Christ! Another recent blessing was the baptism of a man and two women who previously came to Christ. Among the spectators were a number of Muslims. To God be the glory!

  • Near Moscow, many of the men who have completed the program at Liberation Rehabilitation Center met at their annual gathering. They praised the Lord for liberation from substances and for new lives in Christ. There are now more than 40 families in Moscow area churches where the father was saved through this ministry. Praise God!

  • Sam Slobodian and a good number of our Ukrainian personnel attended the 25-year anniversary celebration of the Brotherhood of Independent Baptist churches of Ukraine in Kiev. Thanks to a generous donation, a large group of Christians from the war zone in the East were able to attend. For them this was a blessed reprieve from the hardships and isolation of their situation, and their presence refreshed all at the conference. It also served as a reminder and motivation to pray for and support relief efforts in the East.

Prayer Pray with us!

  • A church group from Indiana will be traveling to Ukraine this month to take part in the special services and distribution for widows and orphans. Please pray for safety for the travelers, and especially for God to work in hearts of the unsaved through this effort.

  • In Sepahua, Peru, church planter Wilber Huillca requests prayer, both for his ministry in the church in the city of Sepahua and among the indigenous peoples living in the jungles. May God help believers to grow in grace and illuminate the understanding of unbelievers and show them their need of Christ.

  • BIEM’s first attempts to begin a spiritual work in Smolin, Ukraine, were resisted by some in the community. Praise God, this year a day camp was attended by more children than expected. (Some parents stayed and watched and listened to everything in the camp.) Pray for God to soften hearts and make them receptive to the Gospel.

  • We are rejoicing that more than half of the needed $12,000 for this Fall’s Widow and Orphan distribution has come in. Please pray that the remaining need be met.