BIEMs of Light December 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Praise God for 2,500 illustrated Ukrainian Children’s New Testaments that friends have arranged to be delivered to our brethren in Kyiv. May God use them mightily as they are distributed in upcoming holiday events!

  • Although BIEM’s Bruce Tuttle administrates the Pastors’ Training Institute in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, he rejoices in many recent invitations for other ministries—speaking to youth groups, a university outreach, bi-weekly marriage seminars, plus an upcoming chance to teach pastors and their wives in the Republic of Georgia. An old saying says, “Busy people are happy people,” and Bruce praises the Lord for opportunities to be so happy.

  • We praise God for the good number of orders that have arrived for the new CD, Sound the Trumpet at Christmas. (If you’re interested, ordering information is available online at and also in our upcoming newsletter.)

  • A church in the Indianapolis area recently donated over 200 good-quality auditorium chairs to BIEM! These will go to churches in Ukraine aboard our next container shipment.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • The Bilyaks in Ternopil express many reasons to praise the Lord. However, they do have a concern for prayer: There are people who have attended the church for years, but who hesitate to take the step of placing faith in Christ. Others have trusted Christ and pray in church and even try to participate in certain ministries, yet they shy away from baptism. Regardless of the causes, pray for these individuals to desire to follow Christ openly and without reservation.

  • In Belarus, BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk continues to experience debilitating back pains. Although physical therapy helps somewhat, so far doctors seem unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain or to suggest a specific treatment. Please pray for the Ryzhuks.

  • Please pray concerning the 40-foot container of goods we shipped to Ukraine in September. It’s in country, but the commission that approves such containers as humanitarian aid is backlogged. Because of that, we will soon begin to incur storage expenses of $130 per day until it can be released.

  • All of BIEM’s missionaries will be involved in evangelistic outreaches around Christmas, New Year, and the beginning of January. Please pray for those who will be preaching and for all unbelievers who hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ explained to them.