October BIEMs of Light

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • At last, the new church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, has begun holding services. The first service filled the church because it was a special Harvest celebration service. Many guests from other churches attended, including an entire choir. The next week 22 people attended. May God bless and grow this brand-new ministry!
  • Last month we requested prayer that tensions in east Ukraine’s war zone wouldn’t hinder students from attending the Fall session of the seminary in Kyiv. Praise God, after no students from that region for over a year, some students from the East resumed attending. There were 6 students from the East this current session.
  • Good news from the Republic of Georgia: over 100 people attended an evangelism event, and God blessed with salvation decisions! Plus, students from India who attend the medical university in Tbilisi have discovered the international church. Nine of these have trusted Christ!
  • Praise God that Brother Andrei, a Russian church planter recruited by Pastor Peter Rumachik for the new work in Shahovskaya, Russia has arrived and begun his ministry. This was no small task since they moved from faraway Siberia and have 13 children.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Tolik, one of the sons of missionary-pastor Nikolai Ryzhuk in Drogichin, Belarus, is experiencing serious recurring back problems that now prohibit him from working. Doctors have performed surgery on it before, and now he may face another surgery. Please pray.
  • In Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca Quispe is especially concerned for the indigenous people groups who live in the jungle. He and others have initiated ministry among some of these groups. Please pray for the salvation of souls.
  • Please pray for the family of Pastor Almond in Central Asia. His son Samar accidentally electrocuted himself at home and died. However, Samar had recently repented of sin and put his faith in Christ, which has provided many opportunities to share the Gospel.
  • Because floor hockey requires little equipment, it’s gaining popularity in Ukraine. Some of our church planters see potential for evangelism through floor hockey teams. They plan to try it, first in Gongarovsk and if successful in Desna. Please pray that God will guide and bless if this is a worthwhile means of touching others with the Gospel.