BIEMs of Light March 2017

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Last month, we requested prayer for Nikolai Ryzhuk’s evangelism trip to the Far North of Russia. God protected the team from serious harm when a snowmobile broke down in the wilderness, and He gave fruit in new decisions for Christ! Thanks for prayers!

  • These past few weeks, BIEM missionaries Vitaly and Olena Yurchenko have been in the U.S., visiting churches and bringing firsthand reports from the field of Ukraine. These meetings have been a blessing and encouragement for all. Praise God.

  • Recently BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak and several brethren visited eastern Ukraine’s zone of military conflict with humanitarian aid and the Gospel. A pastor of one church there says his Sunday’s services are full, and 50% of attenders are unbelievers. “They all come with broken lives and broken hearts, hungry and cold, but listening to the Word of God, and some of them take him to heart.” Praise God for a chance to minister among the hurting.

  • Ruben Villar, a single BIEM church planter in Peru, has met a wonderful Christian young lady named Laura, and they have now announced their engagement! Praise God for such a blessing from the Lord. More good news—his church, which is up to 65, has outgrown their meeting place, and they have just rented a larger facility that can accommodate 110.

PrayerPray with us!

  • BIEM missionary Igor Balashov reports that a team plans to visit Lugansk to assist local churches with evangelism (in the zone of military conflict.) Please pray for the right team members to be able to make this trip, for salvation of souls, and strengthening of believers.

  • Our missionary Valia Yankovska has successfully foster-parented various children. Right now, she requests prayer for Anya and Volodya, two foster children who have rebelled in various ways and need repentance and salvation in Christ.

  • In the Republic of Georgia, Charles Hoblitz reports several conversions of native Georgians and also that Christian students from Nigeria and India attend their English-language services. However, “some know nothing about how to live the Christian life and tackle problems Biblically, so we have also been doing a lot of Christian counseling lately.” Pray for wisdom for counseling and for understanding in these students.

  • Vitaly Yurchenko, who serves as the Rector of the seminary in Kyiv, is thrilled that more students enrolled for the winter session. This number includes three more students from the occupied territory in the east of Ukraine, making the number from there 9 students. Pray for these students as they put into practice the information and training they receive.