War Relief Updates - December 22, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. On Thursday, Vitaly Bilyak completed the trip back home after ministering to people’s needs in the region of Bakhmut. He delivered food, clothing, and candles. Most importantly, he used this opportunity to preach the Gospel and to distribute New Testaments to people surviving in homes near the battlefields. He thanks everyone who prayed for this trip.

2. A few days ago, BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle wrote from Ukraine, "Our men – including a number of our graduates – return from the heavily afflicted zones close to the front, and they are sober and broken-hearted. I had to miss the last trip but expect to travel with them early in January. For that trip, we expect to remain over a Sunday and preach in a church service. We hope to be able to spend nights in heated homes or buildings, but that is not always the case. One of our graduates who is regularly taking similar journeys into another critical area reported that on his last journey at least 3 people repented and put their trust in Christ. That makes all the hours and difficulties of travel, and all the dangers, worthwhile, doesn’t it?!"

3. Despite the war and interruptions in power and water, many of our church plants are conducting special Christmas meetings to bring in people from the community to hear the Gospel, receive gifts, and obtain New Testaments. These special outreaches will continue through January 7 – their traditional date for Christmas observance - because they celebrate both Christmases.

4. BIEM’s Field Director for Central Asia shared that some of the Central Asian missionaries have asked him to withhold a good portion of their support funds and instead direct them to specific Ukrainian war refugees who are in need so they can pray for them and keep up with how they are doing. A couple of such needy families have been identified and helped on their behalf. Please pray that they would be saved. What a blessing their salvation would be to the Central Asian brethren who sacrificed out of their meager funds to reach people for Christ!

5. In the Druzhba district of Ternopil, Ukraine, new church planters Sergiy and Karina Koop recently held a special event commemorating International Bible Day. In order to reach neighbors - especially the many refugees in the area - they hung a banner, printed flyers, and went door to door inviting people. The Lord blessed their efforts with many people that day. The Koops had already delivered food aid to some refugees in the area, and they will be delivering more to needy ones they have now contacted. May the Lord bless their ministry as they seek to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of refugees and the local residents.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM