BIEMs of Light January 2017

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Right at the moment when the main auditorium of the new church in Bilogorodka was ready for services, a piano for it became available. The sellers had wanted much more for their German-made piano, but they sold their apartment and needed a buyer that very day!

  • In Smolin, Ukraine, BIEM missionaries Alexander and Ira Petrenko have at last been able to close on a small house to use for worship services. Praise God for another location where His Word will soon be preached. May locals hear, believe, and accept the Gospel!

  • In Kiteni, Peru, missionary Rolando Arias and his wife praise the Lord that, despite sicknesses this past year, they have seen God’s hand working through church services, Bible clubs, their recent Christmas services and other interactions in the community.  

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • Andrei Eliseev, who leads the Rehabilitation Center near Ternopil, Ukraine, requests prayer for their weekly evangelism at the local tuberculosis dispensary. People often respond to the Gospel with hostility, but recently one man accepted Christ! The following Sunday he brought another of his friends to church. May many more turn to Christ.

  • Please continue to pray for believers who evangelize in Russia. One BIEM missionary shared this: “Nadia, who is in her late teens, spoke to a homeless person at the railway station and prayed for him. As soon as she gave the man a Bible, the police immediately approached her and demanded an explanation why she did it. They said they would arrest her the next time they saw her doing so…. The next day, after prayers, Nadia told her father that she would continue to preach the Gospel, but with more caution.”

  • In St. Petersburg, Russia, a shelter for the homeless also serves as an evangelistic ministry. Members of an evangelism team take turns studying the Bible with those who live there. Please pray for the believers on the team, and also for the shelter’s residents.

  • In Central Asia, missionaries will soon hold their first ever winter retreat for teens. Also, we will soon hold eschatology seminars for Central Asian ministers. Please pray for God’s hand of blessing on both ministries.