BIEMs of Light April 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise the Lord for the vision of our brethren in Central Asia. They are training men for ministry and have organized a Bible institute that meets for classes every three months. They actively evangelize village by village, and 4 young Muslim men recently came to Christ. In Western Asia, 4 other Muslims likewise placed their faith in Christ!

  • The church in Desna, Ukraine, has often requested prayer for a believer with musical skills to lead their music ministry. God has sent them a young Christian soldier (literally) who plays multiple instruments and volunteered to help. Also, our missionaries’ teen daughter, Anya, is gaining confidence at playing a synthesizer, making this a double answer to prayer!

  • In Belarus, before the coronavirus situation became critical, BIEM’s Nikolai Ryzkuk took part in two conferences for Christian youth from small churches. In villages and small towns, such young Christians might rarely see believers their own age. These conferences not only delivered appropriate teaching from God’s Word but provided these youth with good, spiritual fellowship.

  • Before quarantine began in Ukraine, the 40-foot container of supplies we shipped months ago was recently cleared by Customs and released to our BIEM personnel. Among the contents for churches are tables, chairs, and even two pianos. Also, much gently used clothing will open hearts to share the Gospel.  We praise God for allowing us to receive these items!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • During these odd times, please pray for the health and safety of all our BIEM missionaries and their children. The mission fields need every possible light for the Gospel. We don’t want any of our missionaries or volunteers to be hindered by sickness.

  • Our missionaries had already been planning spring and summer evangelistic outreaches. The quarantine situation changes many of those plans. Please pray for wisdom as they consider ways to reach their countrymen with the Gospel.

  • One BIEM missionary family recently learned that their 2-year-old son Luke has autism. While they are thankful finally to have a diagnosis that seems to answer multiple questions, they are also in need of prayer as they help their little guy to communicate, to interact with others, and as they prepare him for a lifetime of service to God.  

  • Please pray about our upcoming seminary session in Kyiv scheduled to begin on April 27.  Ukraine has just extended their quarantine until April 24.  If public meetings of more than ten people are allowed after that and transportation is restored, our session can take place.  Otherwise this session will be conducted on an online basis.