BIEMs of Light May 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) was wondering how to feed his flock and reach out to unbelievers. His country is strictly locked down. Still, he says, “We praise God for the trials…. No one can be out, but we have found ways to continue meeting and evangelizing on an almost nightly basis.” Over the past couple of weeks, they have led 6 Muslims to Christ!

  • As in other parts of the world, many of our missionaries in Eastern Europe have turned to technology to hold online church services. And although online sermons lose part of the richness of worshiping alongside other believers, there is a plus. Unbelievers who have never stepped inside one of our churches are tuning in to listen!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes report, “Our new church plant among Farsi speakers has been making a lot of progress. We have two Iranian pastors in training and two more who want to sign up for our Bible School.” Also, they have a number of believers in training who are holding home Bible studies in villages and planting churches. Praise the Lord!

  • The economic slowdown in Ukraine brought about by the Coronavirus has resulted in lower construction costs that are benefitting church building programs in Smolen and Borschiv, Ukraine.  In both locations, homes are being converted into churches. Praise God for excellent progress.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Noah, a grandson of the Slobodians, has experienced serious challenges to his health almost since birth. Noah recently celebrated his 8th birthday, but behind the celebration is a hard reality. His parents write, “Noah’s heart is in rejection, and he has progressed into stage 5 full kidney failure. There are no viable options based on his overall medical complexity. Noah will be transferred to hospice. Based on his recent severe decline, they think things could go very quickly, but only God knows when He will call Noah to heaven…. Please pray for our family as we continue through this difficult journey.”

  • Please pray for those unbelievers who are watching our missionaries’ services online. May God open their eyes to their need of Christ, the Savior from sin.

  • Back in February, out of curiosity, 2 Turks began visiting services held by BIEM personnel in western Asia. At first, they asked questions out of mocking, but the answers were always serious, from God’s Word. In time the men dropped the mocking and asked sincere questions. Please pray for God to open their understanding of Christ and their need of the Savior.

  • In the country of Turkmenistan, a tornado in one city has ripped off roofs and done other severe damage to buildings, including homes of believers. Please pray for them as they rebuild and as they demonstrate Christian kindness to others in need.