BIEMs of Light June 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Lviv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Yuri Levtseniuk thanks God that, during this time of coronavirus, medical personnel have been evangelized and gospels distributed as never before. Christians with cars have volunteered to drive doctors to and from work, allowing conversations. May the Lord use these countless seeds of the Gospel that have been planted.

  • Thanks to recent donations, the new church in Borschiv, Ukraine, now has electricity, plus plumbing in the restrooms and a newly installed septic system. Each completed step brings this building closer to being used for church services and other ministries!

  • During the time of quarantine, believers have looked out for each other and provided basic food items. Non-Christian neighbors have heard and seen how Christians support one another and been amazed at such unity. Many unbelievers have also heard clear presentations of the Gospel. May God be glorified!

  • In April we requested prayer for BIEM missionaries in western Asia. Their young son was diagnosed with autism. But now an American speech therapist will be visiting weekly to help, which is a huge answer to prayer!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In Central Asia, missionaries River and Hope have a two-and-a-half-year-old boy, Joseph, who has been in and out of comas with Type 1 diabetes. He will be on insulin. But the insulin cost would use up his parents' monthly income in 10 days. We praise God for recent improvements that have allowed him to be transferred from ICU to Endocrinology. Please pray for him and his parents as they all adjust and try to care for his health.  

  • In Shakhovskaya, Russia, missionary church-planter Andrei Yudintsev reports that his wife Zara and 3 of their children have symptoms that match those of covid-19. There is not yet confirmation of the virus, but please uphold this family in prayers.

  • One of our missionaries in the Republic of Georgia speaks for many when he shares about ministry: “Personal relationships have been affected by the two-month separation. Please pray in general that we would be able to quickly pick up in our discipling relationships where we left off in March.” Despite phone calls and online outreach, some individuals seem to drift.

  • In Eastern Europe, churches are planning to go ahead with summer camps, but are delaying them until July and August. Please pray as camp leaders continue preparations and for sufficient donations to hold the camps. Right now, BIEM has only $17,085 of the $40,000 normally disbursed to hold summer camps. If you can give in addition to praying—thank you!