BIEMs of Light July 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Desna, Ukraine, missionary Igor Fomichov is excited about the rehabilitation center now operating in conjunction with the church. Men whose lives have been ruined by drugs and alcohol are learning of Christ and eager to know more. May God give Igor and the other men who minister in the rehab center wisdom as they work with these men.

  • We have often requested prayer for more Christian workers. Allow us to share an answer from God! In the country of Georgia, the Lord has raised up an Ethiopian named Abreham (that’s how he spells it), who is a big help in ministry. Gifted in electronics, Abreham handles the audio/video and internet needs for the church of our missionaries, the Hoblitzes. He also has a personal online Bible study for 9,000 Ethiopians around the world. Praise God for willing workers!

  • In Borschiv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Skripniks praise God for the continuing progress in renovating the building purchased for a church. But they praise Him, too, as He provides opportunities to get acquainted with some of the neighbors, including a number of children who come over to play in the yard with the Skripniks’ children!

  • Praise God for over 2,000 illustrated Ukrainian children’s Bibles that were made available to BIEM.  This will be used during this summer’s camp programs which provide contact into many unchurched homes. 

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • On Sunday, June 21 (Father’s Day), Sam and Amy Slobodian’s 8-year-old grandson Noah went to be with the Lord. Please uphold in prayer Noah’s family and his extended family during this time.

  • In Central Asia, 4 Afghani men have been listening and learning about Jesus Christ. They are close to trusting Christ as Savior. Please pray for Salim, Amin, Shafo, and Farid to understand their souls’ need and to place their faith in the Lord.

  • In Belarus, BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk reports, “There is a big problem concerning jobs, especially for young families. There is no work and no jobs. People are discouraged about how to survive.” Please pray for this situation, especially among believers.

  • Please continue to pray for the anticipated summer camp ministries on our various overseas fields. Currently, BIEM has almost $20,000 of the $40,000 normally needed for the camps.