BIEMs of Light January 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In December, all of the staff in BIEM’s home office contracted Covid-19, but we praise God for strengthening them. The office is back to normal operations. However, our bookkeeper, Amy Slobodian, still has a persistent cough related to the virus and the resulting pneumonia. Doctors have changed her medication 3 times, so this is also a prayer request.

  • During Christmas week, some of our evangelists in Central Asia reported a number of salvation decisions among Muslims in diverse places. Praise God for opening their eyes to Truth and touching their hearts!

  • In the town of Ivanovo, Belarus, BIEM missionary Nikolai visited a tiny congregation (which has no pastor) to hold a service, including the Lord’s Supper. A man who had never been there before showed up. Toward the end of the service, that stranger stood and declared, “I’m a sinner. I want to repent.” As it turned out, the man was only passing through town. While waiting for his next train, he decided to visit the little church—and God worked!

  • Praise God, a building project in connection with the Christian Rehabilitation Center in Vilna Tarasivka, Ukraine, received more donations than expected! BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle shares that he attended a recent church service where 2 more of the men in the program repented and placed their faith in Christ. May God bless this ministry and the building project!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Ukraine has announced a lockdown as cases of Covid-19 have soared. Please pray for health for the believers, and that our missionaries will still be able to minister to people’s needs.

  • Please pray that our Seminary in Kiev will still be able to hold its winter session later in January, as those responsible consider all possible measures to enable classes.

  • Because some churches celebrate Christmas on December 25 (as in the West) and others on January 7 (traditionally in the East), evangelistic Christmas services and outreaches are continuing into January. Please pray that God will especially work in souls during this time.

  • Praise God that about 20 teenagers are still regularly attending as a result of this summer's camp program operated by the church in Ternopil, Ukraine.  Brother Vitaly Bilyak states that these are unchurched youth, some with rough backgrounds who are basically off the streets.  Please pray for their salvation and growth.