BIEMs of Light February 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, local authorities sent a commission from the mayor’s office consisting of the city prosecutor, plain clothes police, the health department, and a fire inspector, to examine the building Pastor Righteous and his congregation meet in. Praise God, not only did they find no cause for closing the building or persecuting the believers, but Pastor Righteous also had a chance to share his salvation story with them!

  • BIEM’s director in Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, reports that outreaches during this time of Covid have resulted in more souls attending church. May these visitors hear, believe, and trust in Christ!

  • In the past, soldiers on the military base in Desna, Ukraine, could not attend our church plant without difficult-to-acquire permissions, and an escorting officer. In a dramatic change, the base commander is now permitting soldiers to attend freely. Praise the Lord!

  • We praise God for answered prayer in Belarus. Anton, the nephew of our missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk, was in an automobile accident and spent 45 days in a coma. Doctors were already giving up hope. But God woke Anton up! He is in his right mind and is walking again.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • BIEM has been assisting with a church-building project in Siberia. Recently, building inspectors halted the project by imposing several complications. Local believers have suspended further work until the inspections are completed. Please pray for a good resolution.

  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Lyosha Savchuk reports that a number of youths have begun coming to the church. He attributes this to boredom brought about by the lockdown. Whatever the reason, praise God for these seeking souls. Pray for their salvation.

  • In Western Asia, our missionary Sasha R. is operating under fairly tight restrictions due to Covid. He requests prayer that they will be able to return to regular church services, and for an evangelistic outreach they are planning.

  • In the country of Georgia, which lies between Turkey and Russia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes write, “There is a small Muslim village called Sakar, about two hours from Tbilisi, where we have begun an outreach and where we hope to have a church plant. We have mentioned this before as a prayer request. So far, we have had good fruit there among Muslim children and a few parents.  Through an amazing, unexpected provision, we have been able to purchase land there with a building on it (land is cheaper in outlying villages). We are praying for a young couple to go and live there and plant a church.”