BIEMs of Light April 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) was excited to report 3 more Muslims accepted Christ as Savior this past week. Hallelujah, the Kingdom of Heaven is growing!

  • In March, a family and youth conference in Belarus ministered both to families and older teens on the topic of marriage. Topics included the image of Christ and the church, the importance of marriage, and ways of managing conflicts within marriage. The organizers were very pleased with this conference and anticipate continuing fruit from it in Christian homes.

  • At the new church in Borschiv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Sergei Skripnik reports new people attending, including a woman who had been deeply involved in the occult and magic. After a conversation, she agreed to burn all of her occult books. Now she is the first to arrive for church services! Sergei says, “Pray for her, that the Lord will fully free this soul from all filth.”

  • In our February BIEM’s of Light we requested prayer for the church building project in Siberia, Russia where authorities halted the construction.  We are glad to report that the issues have been resolved and construction has resumed.  Praise God!  Thank you for praying!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In March, we requested prayer concerning another possible church-planting opportunity in the Republic of Belarus. Please continue praying as the Board of Directors considers all the details.

  • According to reports, the government of Ukraine is contemplating another Covid-sparked lockdown that would affect public transportation. If that happens, our spring session of the Seminary in April would be in jeopardy. Please pray for wise decisions, both by authorities and seminary leaders.

  • As reconstruction continues on the building in Borschiv, the work has shifted to creating Sunday school rooms upstairs. This will include adding insulation, drywall, ductwork, and other items, to make the rooms functional. Please pray for the safety of the workers plus finances for materials.

  • Due to the war in Ukraine and the coronavirus, it has been a while since a group from the USA has gone on a mission trip to Ukraine.  Praise God that now an American group is planning on a missions trip to Ukraine this summer to work in our camps.  Please pray for this project.