BIEMs of Light September 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Countless Afghanis have fled to other parts of Central Asia. Missionaries connected with BIEM have been reaching out with God’s love and the Gospel. One recently reported, “Praise God, two Shiite Hazara Afghanis trusted Jesus as Savior this morning in our refugee group.” As politics turn lives upside down, may many more refugees find truth and life in the Savior Jesus Christ!

  • In Lviv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Levtseniuks have been extremely busy all summer with on-going church reconstruction and summer camp. This month, they rejoice to have 5 candidates planning to be baptized. Praise God for spiritual fruit!

  • BIEM’s field director for Central Asia was supposed to fly back to the U.S. when he lost his sense of taste and smell. A test confirmed Covid. He immediately started a regimen of ivermectin and zinc, which helped him feel great within 24 hours. Over the next 5 days, churches had him preaching to fellow Covid quarantiners twice a day. Praise God, man’s delay was God’s plan as 10 more souls trusted the Savior before he flew home Covid-free!

  • Thank you so much for praying for the summer camps. In addition to the fact that we had no serious injuries among campers, the American volunteers who went to work in camps were warmly received by campers, and they enjoyed working side by side with the Ukrainian camp leaders!v Countless Afghanis have fled to other parts of Central Asia. Missionaries connected with BIEM have been reaching out with God’s love and the Gospel. One recently reported, “Praise God, two Shiite Hazara Afghanis trusted Jesus as Savior this morning in our refugee group.” As politics turn lives upside down, may many more refugees find truth and life in the Savior Jesus Christ!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • A political rift between the countries of Ukraine and Belarus has closed the border between these two countries, preventing our Belarussian students from attending our spring seminary session in Kyiv. Please join them in praying this would be settled so they can attend classes this month.

  • This month BIEM is happy that, once again, our national missionaries Igor Fomichov and Vitaly Bilyak can be in the U.S. to visit supporting churches. Please pray for safety and good connections with churches as we travel many hundreds of miles with these faithful brothers.

  • The church in Desna, Ukraine, runs a rehabilitation center for men with addictions. God is blessing, including the recent baptism of a man who had spent 18 years in prison! The rehab center has been operating rent-free in a house lent to the church. However, that agreement expires in spring. Please pray as the church searches for a suitable house in which to continue this ministry.

  • Our missionaries in the Republic of Georgia report that the nation has attained the rank of most Covid cases per capita of any country. The government is reimposing prohibitions. Even without restrictions, the virus has hampered ministry with pastors in the hospital, closed churches, canceled baptisms, and a canceled couples retreat. Please pray for God to reverse this situation.