BIEMs of Light October 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Because a cold rain put a damper on last year’s annual Bible Quest in Ukraine, this year the organizers held it earlier. About 200 teens earnestly studied the book of Luke to compete. As a result, 8 teens came to the Lord, and all of them benefited from increased knowledge of the Word of God, plus wholesome fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • In September the 2nd Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, baptized 8 people. Half of them were the family of 87-year-old Pavlina. She had watched the church construction from home, began attending services, and trusted the Lord. Although weak from heart-related medical issues, Pavlina insisted on being baptized with the others even though she had to be carried in and out of the water.

  • Praise God our container designated for Ukraine is loaded and ready for shipment. This container contains over 200 padded pew chairs and a large number of folding chairs and tables that will be a blessing to churches. There are also a good number of musical instruments, including two pianos, and a great amount of clothing, shoes, medical supplies, and sports equipment for youth ministry.

  • This spring, we asked you to pray for a new BIEM church plant near Brest in Belarus. Although meeting in a light, temporary structure, that new church is now functioning. One soul accepted Christ at the very first service, and two more at the second service. They now have 23 members!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Praise God for the growth of the youth ministry in Ternopil. After last year’s camp, 20 new youth began attending youth meetings. Several have trusted Christ and were baptized.  Church planter Vitaly Bilyak reports that even more have started coming after this year’s camping program. They’ve all heard the Gospel, but a good number of them need salvation. Please pray for them.

  • Please pray for a team associated with BIEM that is boldly evangelizing in Central Asia among refugees from Afghanistan. Yesterday they were in a village where the Taliban had been fighting the day before. Please uphold them in prayer as they minister life in the midst of death.

  • The Covid situation seems to be worsening in Ukraine. There’s a possibility the government will reinstitute restrictions, including the ban on public transportation. Huge numbers of Ukrainians depend on public transportation, so that would affect our believers too. Please pray.  

  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, BIEM’s Bruce Tuttle requests prayer for the family of Pastor Volodya Sholopko and his church. Brother Volodya had pastored the same church that shares space with Bruce’s pastoral training classes but recently succumbed to Covid. Natasha Shalopko is suddenly widowed, and the church will need a new minister.