BIEMs of Light November 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Forty years ago, in 1981, the Lord prompted Peter Slobodian to establish a new mission—Baptist International Evangelistic Ministries—dedicated to evangelizing the Soviet Union. Then, the USSR persecuted and imprisoned active Christians. Rejoice with us for the huge changes God has worked and for the countless opportunities He has opened for evangelism. He is still answering prayers!

  • Some time back, the rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine, accepted into the program a man named Igor. Igor had been addicted to drugs and alcohol so long that he was in pitiful physical condition. They feared he might die. But Igor accepted Christ! His thoughts and attitudes changed. His sister declares he’s a different man. Physically, he’s still recovering, but praise God for working!

  • Not long ago in Desna, Ukraine, Sam Slobodian assisted in baptizing several people, including Vlad, a man whose life of drugs, thievery, and homelessness, had landed him in prison more than once. But through Desna’s Christian Rehabilitation Center, Vlad embraced Christ and repented. Once again, God saved the soul of a man who had been rejected even by his own family!

  • In Nahabino, Russia, Pastor Pavel Rumachik recently baptized three people. Two of those were Kristina and Alyona, daughters of a man named Alexander who was once a drug addict but trusted Christ and became one of the first members of Pavel’s church. Praise God for continuing fruit!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In the nation of Georgia, national pastor Lasha and his wife Maia have been battling Covid for the last 10-11 days. Although Maia seems to be through the worst of it, Lasha remains in ICU in serious condition. He’s intubated, battling pneumonia, an infection, and Covid. These are good friends of BIEM and faithful servants of the Lord. Please pray for full recovery.

  • The Rehabilitation Center mentioned above in Desna, Ukraine, now houses 12 men. While we praise God for changing lives there, the small house currently used is already overcrowded. A more suitable building is needed. Please pray that the Lord will guide provide a larger building, plus funds to acquire/refurbish it for ministry. Here’s a link to learn more:

  • Also in the Republic of Georgia, BIEM missionaries report some wonderful salvation decisions. But these new believers face opposition from family members and Orthodox priests. Please pray for them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God’s Word. Also, other friends and acquaintances are listening to the Gospel but not yet embracing it. Please pray for those souls.  

  • An Afghani woman, F., led 4 Afghanis to Christ in October. But her landlord is creating problems and threatening to evict her. Please support her in prayer.