BIEMs of Light December 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In conjunction with BIEM’s 40th anniversary, you will soon be receiving a special, extra-long edition of our Challenger newsletter. It highlights just a sampling of the huge number of blessings that God has poured out through this ministry over 4 decades. We hope you will read this historic issue and join us in praising God for all the great things He has done!

  • BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak has fulfilled the colossal task of completing 60 documents required by the authorities in Ukraine to grant humanitarian-aid status to our next shipping container, which is waiting to begin the ocean voyage. Now the praise also becomes a prayer request that whichever officials handle the paperwork will look favorably on it and grant humanitarian-aid status.

  • Because many Russians want to learn English, one of our missionary families in northern Russia hosts an English Movie Night every Monday. They receive 15-20 new people each week. Some visitors return for church. “We practice communication skills and learn English grammar based on the Gospel of Mark.” Hallelujah, this weekly outreach has led to souls being saved and baptized!

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, a key ministry partner with BIEM, the Temple of Salvation Baptist Church, has celebrated its 60th anniversary. Founded during the days of militant atheism in the USSR, this church, too, is a testament to God’s grace and sustaining power despite oppression!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • We asked you to pray for Pastor Lasha and Maia, good friends of BIEM who were battling Covid in the nation of Georgia. Although Maia pulled through, Lasha did not. We understand the Lord knows all things and permitted Lasha’s early promotion to glory, but please pray for Maia and her two children, David and Tamar, as they continue without their husband and father.

  • Our upcoming mailing includes information about two special building projects—a church building in the nation of Belarus and a new home for the rehabilitation ministry in Desna, Ukraine. Please pray even now that God’s people will understand the importance of those needs and provide funds.

  • BIEM president Sam Slobodian is planning a December 9 trip to Russia for an overdue visit with our national missionaries. Please pray for swift processing of his visa to enter Russia, for protection from Covid (Russia still has a high rate of infections), and in general for God’s blessing on this trip.  

  • All our missionaries will be engaged in Christmas outreaches to share the Good Tidings of Jesus Christ. Some of those efforts will be entire church programs. Please pray for them as they plan these programs and outreaches. Pray, too, for unbelievers and those who have settled comfortably in vain religions to have their understanding enlightened concerning Christ and salvation.