BIEMs of Light January 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, where our believers are ministering to Afghani refugees, another Shiite man trusted Christ as Savior today! Praise God for working in these refugees’ hearts.

  • In December, God received glory through many public Christmas services and evangelistic presentations and through home visits, with gifts of groceries and Bibles. Seeds of Truth have been sown and continue to be sown. May God cause those seeds to put down roots and grow!

  • In Desna, Ukraine, our church planters faced opposition right from the beginning. Recently, though, the city administration wrote the church a letter of gratitude, thanking them for positive contributions to the community: assisting men with drug and alcohol addictions, helping families with many children, organizing children’s camps…. While there are still individuals with negative opinions, the church is pleased to receive this written encouragement from the civil authorities.

  • The Tuttles, BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia, report they had a large turnout for their Christmas Eve service. Visitors included university professors, schoolteachers, and even a national government Cabinet member. All these heard God’s way of salvation presented in sermon and song. This praise item is also a prayer request that those hearts will embrace the truth they heard!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Most, if not all, of our missionaries are continuing holiday evangelistic outreaches into January, since this is their traditional month for celebrating Christmas. These include holiday evangelistic programs, home visitations with gifts of food to needy families, and special services for orphans and foster families. Please pray for souls to understand the Gospel and to embrace the Savior.

  • Please keep praying for funds for multiple building projects: (1) to complete the new church in Smolin, Ukraine, (2) to purchase a larger building to house the rehabilitation ministry in Desna, Ukraine, and (3) fund-raising for the newly organized congregation in Cherni, Belarus, to build a building. This small but active congregation currently meets in a cramped room. So far, they aren’t large in numbers, but they are conducting evangelistic outreaches with great zeal!

  • Please continue to pray that the Ukrainian authorities will grant humanitarian-aid status to our next 40-ft. container of aid and supplies, which is packed and ready to ship. After submitting the initial thick bundle of required documentation, BIEM’s Vitaly Bilyak had to submit another 18 pages. We would like to ship these supplies without unnecessary delays.

  • Our team in Central Asia has a heartfelt desire to increase their evangelistic outreaches throughout 2022. For the team, please pray for their health, strength, zeal, good articulation of Scripture, and protection from hostile opposition. For those with whom they share the Gospel, please pray for open minds, open hearts, and spiritual understanding of the truths they will hear.