BIEMs of Light February 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • One of our BIEM missionaries has a fresh opportunity to travel within a restricted-access Muslim country to share the Gospel and distribute Gospel media. We praise the Lord for providing this opportunity. May He bless this evangelistic outreach with safety and spiritual fruit!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes rejoice for a new opportunity: “We have acquired land in a completely Muslim village with a campground on it and a house for a potential church plant. We are praying for a young couple to come and work with us to develop this church plant and camp ministry.” Praise God for such vision and for making this property available. May He continue to lead and provide for this new ministry location!

  • Praise God for opening doors. Over the course of time, the various needs of one of our Ukrainian national missionaries have enabled him to get acquainted with the mayor of their town. Recently, that unsaved mayor and his wife wanted to spend time with this missionary couple who state “It’s interesting that this couple doesn’t let anyone into their lives, yet they want to fellowship with us. Our request is that you pray for this couple and for God to help us speak about Him always and to everyone.”

  • Despite recurring restrictions and concerns about covid, our missionary Vitaly Yurchenko rejoices that their church’s puppet team continues to receive invitations to put on evangelistic performances. The most recent show was in Kyiv, Ukraine, for adults and children with disabilities. Vitaly says, “Puppet performances are interesting for all ages. This is an accessible message of truth for everyone, regardless of age and intellectual development.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Although an unresolved military conflict continues in Eastern Ukraine, recent tensions threaten the possibility of a major invasion of Ukraine.  Regardless of whether the threat is real or a bluff, please pray no new war will come to this land and that the existing conflict will be halted.

  • Pray for the peace of God to rule the hearts and minds of believers in Ukraine. Pray that churches and believers will perceive and act on opportunities to share Christ with fearful, unsaved ones around them and that no restrictions the government adopts would interfere with having services.

  • Please pray for those nations behaving in a hostile way toward Ukraine and pray that the peace of God would rule in our hearts despite the circumstances.

  • Please pray for our civic authorities, that those in positions of authority will have wisdom in this crisis, and that they will not adopt any laws that are contrary to the Bible.