BIEMs of Light April 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Last week we surpassed $300,000 in war relief aid directed to Ukraine. We praise God for each gift, and we rejoice in the many souls that are hearing the Gospel and being saved as the result of these efforts. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and help!

  • The generosity of contributors made the purchase of a large generator possible. The purchase proved timely because almost as soon as it was bought, a rocket hit the power grid supplying electricity to the church in Bilogorodka, which is feeding refugees. This generator was exactly what was needed to keep the church’s refrigerators running while repairs were made. See the video “Power to God’s People” in the “War Video Updates” section of our website.

  • A group of 9 refugees (wives and relatives of our missionaries) for whom we requested prayer as they entered the U.S. via Mexico have arrived safely. Thank you so much for upholding these 3 women and 6 children in prayer. The husbands remain in Ukraine. 

  • One of our American missionary couples, the Smiths, have just returned from Poland where they assisted other missionary efforts among Ukrainian refugees. They made two trips into Ukraine with 5 tons of food and medication, organized Ukrainian church services in a Polish church near Warsaw, and assisted other refugees with lodging and other needs.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • We have a smaller group we might try bringing into the U.S. through Canada. Please pray for God’s direction in this matter. Canada, Mexico, and a host of European countries are receiving Ukrainian refugees easily while the United States has not yet made provisions for Ukrainian refugees to enter the United States easily.

  • Although the city of Chernihiv has been heavily bombed, the large apartment building in which we have remodeled a portion for a church has not been hit. Once again, we are glad to report none of our people have been injured, and none of our church buildings have been hit. These are answers to prayer, so please keep praying!

  • Please pray for both believers and unbelievers as Ukraine goes through incalculable stress from the war on a massive scale. Countless wives and children have fled the nation (including our missionary families) while the men remain behind to fight, minister to others, or simply continue working as they keep as many businesses, utilities, and public services functioning as possible. Children are witnessing horrific sights. May God comfort and heal as only He can.

  • Please pray for an end of the killing and destruction