War Relief Updates - May 31, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. In Smolyn, Ukraine, the new church has an unsaved neighbor, Pasha. He works for the local fire and rescue department. Although not a believer, Pasha became heavily involved in the church’s distribution of war relief. However, his entire department received a summons to report to the military recruitment office. Some hoped that working for the fire and rescue department would exempt them from military service. Not so. All of them were told to prepare for deployment. However, after the church prayed for the Lord to intervene for Pasha, he received unexpected orders. Instead of going to the war front, Pasha was assigned to duties at the local military base. This answer to prayer has made a profound impact on Pasha. Please join this church in praying for his salvation.

2. Regular readers of these updates will recall Misha, a nephew of BIEM missionaries who put his trust in the Lord about 2 years ago while serving in the Ukrainian army. Amazingly, Misha has survived battle after battle and even mine explosions. However, his unit had not been heard from in 8 days. This is highly unusual. Our missionary stated, “We haven't heard from Misha since Sunday. We are fearing the worst. He always checks in.” However, just this afternoon they received word from Misha that he is neither killed nor captured and is not being pulled back somewhat from the front. Praise God!

3. BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak loves the various evangelistic and discipleship opportunities made possible through summer camps, which have become part of our war relief. In this video, he shares his personal perspectives on the benefits of holding summer camps for children and teens even while war rages in Ukraine. We invite you to view this short video interview, “Setting Our Hearts on Summer Camps.” Here’s the link:


4. We periodically mention BIEM missionary Sasha Petrenko. In addition to being a church planter, Sasha has played a key role in distributing war relief in Ukraine. Because he serves as a deputy on the town council and has a solid, friendly relationship with the mayor, Sasha has had unusual access to areas near the front lines, where he has shared the Gospel with soldiers while distributing aid. But a recent medical exam revealed that Sasha now has Hepatitis C (a serious viral infection that affects the liver). On Monday he meets with doctors to hear their treatment plan. He requests prayer that the treatment will allow him to continue distributing war relief and sharing the Gospel in sensitive areas.

In Christ,

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM