War Relief Updates - September 27, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. Sam Slobodian and Pastor Troy Lohmeyer from St. Paul, Minnesota, are currently in Ukraine for BIEM’s Fall seminary session. The session begins on Monday, and brother Troy will be teaching Eschatology. One of their first stops was in Ternopil to see Vitaly Bilyak, who has just returned from his 19th trip to the war front distributing war relief and sharing the Gospel with civilians and soldiers. Most likely, we will be able to post a video about this trip in next week’s updates. The two were able to provide Vitaly with sufficient funds to cover the expenses of Vitaly’s next trip to the war front, which is already being planned.

2. Through Sofia Buyko’s own mother, who has become a refugee in Denmark, Sofia learned of a group of Ukrainian refugee women in that area who needed both encouragement and the Gospel. She and her daughters resolved to take God’s Word plus aid to these Ukrainian ladies dwelling far beyond Ukraine’s border. They tell about that mission here:


3. Our most recent container of war relief is due to arrive in the Polish port today. Praise God, all the paperwork for this shipment’s overland transportation from Poland to the church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, is completed, so there should be no delay in dispatching this cargo from the Polish port to Ukraine. If all goes as planned, it should arrive to its destination sometime next week.

4. Sasha Petrenko, our church planter at the military base in Goncharovsk, shares some good news regarding Vlad, a young soldier reached through their ministry. After serving in battle from the first days of the war, Vlad has now been transferred from the frontline to Goncharovsk, where he will continue his military service. Sadly, not many survive that long in battle. The numbers of those who remain alive throughout months of active battle are shocking and tragic. Please continue to pray for the war to end, and pray specifically for Vlad now that he is in Goncharovsk, that he will become involved with the church so he can grow in the Lord.

In Christ,

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM