War Relief Updates - October 11, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1.  Praise God, our most recent container arrived in the Polish port last weekend and was quickly loaded onto a truck heading for Ukraine. After a quick border crossing, the container has now reached its destination at the church in Bilogorodka. The contents of this container will certainly give Christians open doors for distributing the relief you donated. More importantly, it will give them clear opportunities to share their Christ with needy ones.

2. Once again, BIEM church planter Vitaly Bilyak has traveled with Pastor Alexander to within 3 miles of Ukraine's eastern war front. This time to Pokrovsk. The pair's two main goals were to share the Gospel with people who live in that dangerous area and also to deliver aid in the form of food parcels. During the last 3 days of the trip, they ministered to various soldiers. In this brief video, Vitaly shares some of the sights the two encountered plus "slice of life" moments from this ministry trip.


3. On September 20, we shared a positive report from Chervona Sloboda about a soldier named Sasha. He is one of the soldiers who received warm clothing from this church last winter. On leave, Sasha visited the church to repeat his thanks in person, and he agreed to take more aid back to his unit on the lines. However, the church in Lviv (which blessed 50 soldiers with warm clothing) has lost contact with 2 of those young men, Anton and Alexander. The congregation doesn’t know whether Anton and Alexander are POWs, or perished, but they request prayer for them.

4. This year, as winter draws closer, we are planning to repeat the Warm Clothing for Soldiers program. Please pray that there will be a good response from donors so we can share both the Gospel and warm clothing with soldiers who will need them.

In Christ,

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM