Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People
1. We praise the Lord for prompting many individuals and families to give us bags and boxes of lightly used clothing and shoes for Ukraine. With so many homes that have been destroyed in the war, the need for clothing and footwear remains great. We are well on our way to having enough for a new container shipment. However, the amount of recent donations is greater than what our staff can process. In fact, in addition to the large number of recent donations, 2 days ago we unloaded a huge trailerful of clothing we hadn’t known was coming. If your family, Sunday school class, or other group would like to volunteer 2 or 3 hours to sort, fold, and box up clothing for shipment, please contact our office. We could use the help!
2. Tomorrow Vitaly Bilyak leaves for another trip delivering war relief aid and sharing the Gospel along the war front. This trip will concentrate on civilians in Kherson and then further east to Dnipro. Please pray for safety and for him and those volunteers participating in this effort.
3. Awakening Baptist Church in the Obolon district of the Ukrainian capital of Ukraine is continuing its efforts of reaching out to the refugees from Bakhmut who have so many needs, both materially and spiritually. In the short video update “Reaching out to Refugees,” Pastor Nikolai Rozhnyatovsky shares about the church's efforts and the fruits of these labors:
4. Igor Fomichov has returned to Ukraine after 5 weeks of speaking in churches here in the United States. We thank the Lord that Igor had an opportunity to help us in that way. Next, we had plans to invite Vitaly Yurchenko to come and speak in other churches. However, this plan has been put on hold because of various risks and hassles the Ukrainian military is exerting even on ordained pastors to join the military. Our longstanding practice of bringing our Ukrainian missionaries to the U.S. to represent BIEM to supporters has been a huge blessing. Now, though, with this changing situation, we request prayer that we will be able to continue such visits in the future and that this hold on Brother Vitaly’s trip be only temporary.
In Christ,
Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM