War Relief Updates - July 19, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. So far, BIEM is still able to invite our Ukrainian missionaries to apply for exit permission to come to the U.S. and speak in churches to help raise funds for war relief. American believers particularly enjoy hearing—not merely about—our workers in that land and meeting them in person. However, as the war continues, so does governmental efforts to control the whereabouts of its citizenry. A new law mandates that even a male who has received temporary permission to cross the border (as in the case of our missionaries) must also carry his military passport, which is a document showing proof of registration at a military enlistment office. Without military registration, no male from age 18 – 60 can exit Ukraine legally. This development has potential to hinder having our church planters from coming to the U.S., which in turn could crimp our war relief fund-raising.

2. In Bilogorodka, Ukraine, BIEM’s missionary-pastor Anatoly Kosyanchuk leads a congregation that especially appreciates hands-on opportunities to serve God and others. In fact, the military chaplains’ association recognized him and the church for their ongoing efforts to bless, help, and encourage active-duty soldiers, wounded victims, and other needy ones. In the following video, Anatoly thanks all of you for making such ministries possible!


3. With summertime weather in Ukraine, our churches are conducting baptismal services. Many of those being baptized are folks who have been introduced to the church through our war-relief efforts. It most cases, these baptisms take place, not inside the church building, but in a public area by a lake or river. Such public baptisms often draw curious onlookers, who hear a clear Gospel presentation. Praise God for newly redeemed souls and for natural opportunities to proclaim Christ to spectators who still need Him!

4. BIEM has previously reported on Oleg, the brother of BIEM missionary Sasha Petrenko. We prayed for Oleg, who had been a POW in Russia for over 2 years before finally being released back to Ukraine in a prisoner swap. As an update, Oleg ended up in a hospital in Poltava, Ukraine. There, physicians began treating him for malnutrition and kidney and liver problems caused by blows to the body. When doctors discovered he also has some heart problems, they transferred Oleg to a hospital in Kyiv, where he arrived today. He remains in good spirits, thankful to be alive, and very glad to be out of Russia and back in Ukraine. He has begun to gain weight, which is excellent news. In case you missed it, here’s the video of Sasha giving Oleg a chance to glorify God and thanking those who prayed for him:


 In Christ,

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM