BIEM's of Light - March 2016

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • After being delayed in Ukrainian customs, the container that BIEM shipped to Ternopil, Ukraine, has arrived, and the church is beginning distribution. We thank the Lord and you for your prayers and the donations of useful clothing, which is helping the church to open doors for the Gospel.

  • BIEM church planters in Ukraine have located what seems to be an ideal property to purchase in Smolin, a town between existing church plants in Desna and Chernihiv. Please pray God will pave the way to purchase it.

  • Praise the Lord for volunteers! Lord willing, a group of 9 construction workers from Calvary Baptist in York, Pennsylvania, will soon be working on the new church building in Bilogorodka, Ukraine. They will labor alongside Ukrainian workers and hope to finish much of the interior walls and ceilings. May the Lord bless the work of their hands!

  • In Latin America, Segundo Rodriquez praises God for fruit from evangelism in Peru and Columbia, including summer camps. (Seasons south of the equator are reversed.) “Many teen boys and girls were reconciled to God and restored in their relationships with Him. During the first message a young lady gave her life to Christ with great conviction. The lady who counseled her was very excited by how God was working in this young lady. Praise be to God!

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • In Central Asia, one of our pastors was picked up by the secret police and interrogated. The police seemed intent on knowing names of all who attend services. The pastor wouldn’t tell, so they ended up ordering him to stop teaching the Bible and released him. Please pray for him and other church leaders, that they will stand strong and faithful despite threats and intimidation.

  • It’s time to start promoting the Christian summer camps for teens and for children. Please pray even now for the Christian brothers and sisters who will be working with these young people. Pray for God to prepare receptive hearts in the hearers. And pray for finances to sponsor the camps, as we now have $4,000 of the $40,000 needed by June.

  • In St. Petersburg, Russia, BIEM missionary Vitaly Keller requests prayer for two unsaved men, Andrei and Kirill. Both have been attending Bible studies and seem to understand the Gospel and mentally accept it; yet both struggle with the idea of embracing Christ and following Him in baptism.

  • One of our BIEM missionaries to a Muslim land resides in that country with legal permission, granted via a visa from the host country. But such visas need to be re-examined and renewed from time to time. Please pray that he will be granted an extension of his existing visa.