BIEM's of Light - February 2016

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • In the village of Komarivka, Ukraine, missionary Igor Balashov rejoices that the Lord gave an opportunity to evangelize to a large room of students and teachers. This event is even more significant because there has been much opposition to the Gospel in this village. May God bless His Word!
  • Last month’s BIEMs of Light shared a special request for theater-quality puppets. (Two churches in Ukraine are undertaking special children’s ministries.) Praise the Lord, BIEM has received a donation of 4 such puppets, and another donor has sent a financial gift to buy more. Praise the Lord!
  • We praise the Lord that all of our Central Asian ministry couples were allowed to exit their home country and were able to attend our training Seminar in January. One family was also granted a passport for their newborn, which allowed both husband and wife to attend. This couple was in particular need of encouragement.
  • The BIEM legal fund for national pastors has paid the fines for an evangelist fined 10 times the monthly wage for having religious materials in his home. Praise the Lord we can help!

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • BIEM has a need to fill a Secretary/Office assistant position at our mission headquarters in Indiana. Please pray that the Lord would lead in this matter. Anyone interested should e-mail Sam Slobodian (
  • In the busy and growing city of Cusco, Peru, missionary Javier Saavedra has teamed up with another brother to undertake a new church startup. Please pray for them and for the salvation of souls as they evangelize and make more acquaintances in the neighborhood. In another district of Cusco, missionary Churata Cristobal is considering planting a church, too, which would be his second there. Thank God for believers with a vision! Let’s uphold them in prayer.
  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, the Savchuks’ ministry introduces them to college students from various corners of that land. Some are taking an interest in hearing more about the Gospel and attending Sunday services. The Savchuks request prayer for Sveta and her friend Anton, two young ladies named Lena, two young men named Artyom and Bogdan, for Andrew and his wife Natalia.
  • Please continue to pray for the upcoming move of one of BIEM’s missionary families to a Muslim country to help our national pastors. Also pray for a good transition, as this family will be facing many changes.