BIEMs of Light September 2016


 September 2016

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • This year, with your help, almost 2500 children and teens in multiple countries attended Christian camps. There were 494 known salvation decisions, along with an unknown number of youth who grew closer to the Lord. Praise God for summer camp ministries!
  • In Desna, Ukraine, an invitation to send kids to children’s camp has led to two adults accepting Christ! The man and wife were deep in sin and depression and considering suicide when the invitation came. The wife recognized the name of Pastor Fomichov from years ago, when he, too, lived for alcohol. She phoned and begged him to meet with them. He did, and they eagerly embraced the Gospel! Who could guess such an outcome from an invitation to kids’ camp?
  • In Peru, missionary Rolando Arias was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain that turned out to be acute appendicitis. Surgery was performed, but days later complications began and the spot was found to be infected. But at last Rolando is mending and grateful to God for bringing him through. (He is still on the mend and would appreciate prayers.)
  • In Belarus, Nikolai Ryzhuk praises God for a paved parking lot for the church! Although too expensive normally, the city was paving nearby and asked whether the church might be interested in asphalt.  With the price deeply discounted and BIEM’s help, the job will soon be done!

PrayerPray with us!

  • Tensions seem to be rising again in Ukraine as Russia has built up the number of troops on Ukraine’s borders. Thousands have died on both sides. BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle wrote, “Hearts are uneasy, yet God is still in the heavens and can do whatever He wills. Please pray for God's work here, God's people, and the lost multitudes of Ukraine!”
  • In Bilogorodka, Ukraine, believers are planning a special evangelistic thrust for September 17-18. This will involve canvassing door-to-door, Bible distribution and services in the new church building. Please pray for God’s blessings on these efforts to lead to a successful launch of the new church, which will begin with regular Bible studies.
  • On the third week of September, the Fall session of our seminary in Kyiv will be begin. Please pray that the escalating tensions with Russia along the Eastern border would not prevent students from attending.
  • In the midst of projects that come and go, we never want to overlook praying for the obvious: the salvation of souls on each of BIEM’s mission fields. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily, drawing more and more perishing souls to Himself for salvation.