War Relief Updates Email - June 3, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

  1. Praise God, in Ukraine we have now received our 5th full, 40-foot container of humanitarian aid from friends in America. Our brethren are distributing its contents among the needy. While the 4th one was delivered to our church in Bilogorodka (in the Kyiv area), this 5th one was delivered to our church in Fastiv. Both locations are areas of great need.

  2. These containers are only part of our distribution efforts. Our folks are also delivering an amazing amount of aid using vans and SUVs, which often travel in caravans. As our brothers and sisters distribute this aid, their Christian love in action has greatly lifted the testimony of these churches, which have become distribution centers. Now the communities around these churches have a newfound appreciation for these churches, which will certainly open hearts to the Gospel.

  3. These churches have also reached out beyond their immediate communities to towns and villages farther away. Our folks in Kyiv have traveled as far as the Belarussian border to distribute aid to places others have overlooked. One of our churches was near an undisclosed location where special military units of the Ukrainian armed forces were stationed to ambush the 40-mile-long caravan of Russian military hardware heading towards Kyiv. When Pastor Igor heard that these Ukrainian soldiers were hungry, he used funds provided by BIEM so he and men from his church could take food to those soldiers. Not only did their actions spark new, high respect for Igor’s church in the eyes of the military, but the military presented Igor and two men from his church with beautiful medals and impressive citations!.

  4. I will be traveling back to Ukraine next week. On my previous visit, I stayed in the western part of Ukraine. On this trip, I plan to visit the Kyiv area. Please pray for safety and that I can be an encouragement to our people in Ukraine.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM