War Relief Updates Email - June 30, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. This last weekend, all over Ukraine there was a huge increase in Russian bombings and missile attacks. Each attack hit civilian targets, including a horrific bombing of a packed shopping center in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. The fiery inferno that resulted has made it impossible to identify or even count all the victims.

2. During this attack, which targeted Ukraine with over 50 missiles, 20 missiles struck Desna, which had previously been hit by 4 that killed 87. Brother Igor, our national missionary there, tells us these missiles hit both civilian and military areas and that it’s an absolute miracle no civilians were killed. The number of casualties on the military side of the base is unknown at this point. The residents are in shock and great fear. Many choose to spend nights outside the city, either in nearby villages or camping in the forest. 

3. Residents of Goncharovsk (the next military city to the north where our missionary brother Sasha is based) also live in great fear of being targeted again. A previous attack destroyed the elementary school next door to the apartment building where Sasha lived with his family. He and his family now stay in Smolin, the nearby town where they have an almost-completed church building. Many residents of Goncharovsk gather there to seek refuge. Please pray for both Igor and Sasha as these circumstances provide wonderful opportunities to share Christ with people who are ready to listen.

4. Since many of these missiles were launched by Russian aircraft in Belarusian airspace, there is much concern that Belarus may join the Russian attack. This would immediately endanger Western Ukraine, where we have several church plants heavily involved in war relief efforts. Please pray that this does not happen.

5. Praise God, we have now distributed over $600,000 in War Relief funds to almost 100 churches that serve as distribution centers!

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM