War Relief Updates - August 12, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Since we just returned from Ukraine, one question we are often asked is, "How do the Ukrainian believers look at the status of the war? Do they think they will be able to continue to withstand Russia? Do they think they will be able to drive the Russians out of the parts of Ukraine they have occupied? From what I gathered from my time with Ukrainian believers, they are optimistic about their chances and feel that, if the US and the West continue to supply Ukraine with weapons, they will eventually drive Russia out of Ukraine. However, no one is predicting that such a victory will come soon. Under the best of scenarios, this will take some time.

2. As usual, I spent time in both Western and Central Ukraine. In Western Ukraine the farther north you go, the greater the concern about Russian forces invading there from Belarus. They also hear reports that Russia has begun to shift some more forces to Belarus. Does that mean Russia is going to launch an attack on Western Ukraine from Belarus? Of course, no one knows, but just in case some of the churches we are connected to such as those in Zdolbuniv, Dubno, and Rivne are making evacuation plans to get their church people to the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine.

3. One of the camps I visited this trip was in the Bucha region north of Kyiv, specifically Lubyanka, which is next to Hostomel, one of the sites of the worst atrocities committed by Russian forces. There, it was heartbreaking to hear firsthand accounts of the atrocities that had taken place in that area. Here is a link to a news report about what took place there.


The pastor of the church in Lubyanka, his wife, and a lady who had been the Sunday school teacher of some of our people survived all this. Several times with Russian soldiers holding guns to their heads they were certain they would be killed like so many of their neighbors. The Russians killed many, stole just about everything they had, and destroyed a lot they could not drag off. The fact that these three survived all this is remarkable and certainly due to the merciful and protective hand of God.

4. Praise God, due to the support of God's people in the USA who have given generously to our War Relief Fund, we have been able to provide significant relief to this area, replacing and repairing much that was destroyed and stolen by the Russian invaders. Besides what we had already provided, the day after we left our people delivered an entire 40-foot container of humanitarian aid from friends in the United States. This is the 8th 40-foot container we have transported from the border to needy areas in Ukraine. This is in addition to countless other loads we have delivered with vans, SUVs, and all sizes of trucks. Praise God!

5. Our War Relief Efforts are focusing almost entirely on civilians, though there are certainly needs in the Ukrainian military. Since there are major humanitarian efforts specializing in military needs, including our US government, we have decided to focus on the civilian side, especially churches. However, we do make an exception in the cases of soldiers who are members of or closely related to our churches. Since our people have access to these soldiers, we have been able to provide them with needed military gear, including boots and various military clothing and gear purchased from military surplus stores. Many of the soldiers who are drafted are instructed to bring their own gear. Some of these men are in the special forces and requested that if it was possible to provide them with drones. After making this known to some, we have been provided with two drones we are working on getting to these men. Another exception we have made is to a military hospital in Western Ukraine, where we have provided medicine, wound kits, tourniquets, and other items they requested. This hospital has been instrumental in obtaining special permission for some of our men to leave Ukraine and return on humanitarian missions.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM