War Relief Updates - August 19, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that Vitaly and Alona Yurchenko were on their way to the United States after Vitaly became one of the first Ukrainian pastors to receive special permission to leave Ukraine through a new Ukrainian government program allowing such travel for religious purposes. They have been a blessing to us and to churches we have been able to schedule them in. This week, they were joined by their daughter and son-in-law, Karina and Pasha, who managed to get into the United States through Mexico.

2. Please pray for Amy and me as we leave for Ukraine this coming Tuesday to participate in Ukrainian summer camps. Though not all our Ukrainian churches are able to have camp this summer, many are. Those that are have been reporting many more campers than expected. Praise God!

3. There is a growing concern throughout Ukraine that Russia will launch a major attack of some sort on August 24th. This is Ukrainian Independence Day and marks the 6-month point of the war. Please pray for the protection of our people and churches.

4. Two of our families need extra prayer because they are in military cities that have already been attacked. They are the Fomichovs in Desna and the Petrenkos in Goncharovsk. Please uphold them in prayer by name. Following is a link to a video from Sasha in Goncharovsk and Igor in Desna. By the way, we now have over 60 videos posted on our website you can view and download.

Link to the new video, with Sasha and Igor: https://vimeo.com/741232051/f012f1eacf

Links to all our videos: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9315861

5. Previously, we mentioned that, although our humanitarian efforts focus mostly on civilians and churches, by providing aid we have helped soldiers who are closely connected with our churches and pastors. When Amy and I travel to Ukraine next week, we will take along several suitcases, some of which will contain particular gear and medical items specifically requested by such soldiers, including a high-end drone requested by a special forces man who is in a very sensitive position. Please pray that we can get all these goods in, and especially pray for Vitaly Bilyak, who will deliver them. This involves a dangerous journey just outside a battle area where he will be met.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM