War Relief Updates - October 28, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Brother Igor reports success in delivering needed medicine to a Ukrainian soldier from their area. This man had been part of the captured Azov battalion and was held prisoner in Belarus. He and others had been tortured and starved. They were released without clothing, just wrapped in sheets. Down to just 40 kg (88 lbs.), this man was immediately hospitalized. Since he is 1.9 meters tall (6 foot 2 ¾ in.), he was quite emaciated and in need of particular medications.

2. Russian missiles and drones have damaged up to 40% of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. We at BIEM are glad we provided generators for a good number of churches in Ukraine. Churches are our main method of assisting people. But considering recent developments, over the next two weeks, we will be supplying more generators and solar phone chargers to churches.

3. Eugene Buyko and his family just completed six weeks in the United States, where they spoke in churches and schools in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, and the state of Washington. As their time to leave the U.S. drew near, the question Eugene received most often was “Are you going back to Ukraine?” His answer was “Certainly I am going back. That is where I am needed.” See the link below for a few words of appreciation from the Buykos at the end of their visit:


4. Due to the severely damaged power grid in Ukraine, authorities there are urging the millions of Ukrainians who fled the country not to come back yet. The fear is that the critically damaged power situation will not cope with the increased demand if citizens begin returning home. Their government encourages those who have found havens in other countries to stay where they are, if possible, until spring.

5. Tim, a BIEM missionary currently in Ukraine, says, “I praise God that, even during Shahed-136 drone attacks, we were able to gather over 250 youth from all over Ukraine—including from some of the worst war zones—and hold a 3-day youth rally. Their songs of praise to our Almighty God were a stark contrast to the terrible hum of the drones backed by air raid sirens. God’s protection was very evident.”


Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM