War Relief Updates - November 11, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Because there is a special need for humanitarian aid among citizens living in Ukraine’s war-torn east, BIEM personnel continue to make trips there. In addition to distributing food items, they share the Gospel. Brother Sasha refers to an upcoming trip in our latest video:


2. Please continue to pray for our latest humanitarian-aid container, which remains stuck in Gdansk, Poland. As announced previously, we’ve encountered numerous obstacles getting it to Ukraine. Now a new problem has arisen. Apparently, someone has replaced the original seal on the container with another. There are various possible explanations for such an occurrence, usually because someone along the line of transport (typically, a Customs official) decides they must look inside. When that happens, there should be a document stating that this was the case, along with the number of the new seal. We have folks trying to track this down, so please pray they find something that can resolve this issue. This particular shipment contains one of the best loads of items needed by our brethren in Ukraine, so perhaps we should not be surprised it has experienced the most delays.

3. This week, we continue to travel with Igor Fomichov and Vitaly Bilyak as they speak in American churches. The hearts of listeners are moved as they hear firsthand from Ukrainian pastors, fresh battle zones. This week more than ever before, we have had interview requests from local media. Please pray that God will use these opportunities to inform people about what God is doing in Ukraine. Pray also that these people’s hearts will be moved to help.

4. We just received this message from Tim, a BIEM missionary in Ukraine: “Two weeks ago, I tried to share the Gospel with my nephew’s commander after having brought some relief items to them. He refused and said, "I know what you want to talk to me about. I don't want to hear it. Thank you for your humanitarian aid, though." I left with a heavy heart. Today I learned he was killed in action yesterday. Many are excited for the aid but have no desire to hear the Gospel. Pray that hearts would be opened; Satan is fighting hard to blind the eyes.”

5. Related to item #4 above, Tim adds, “Please pray for my nephew Misha. It was his commander who was killed. His father is Vasya, one of our church planters. Misha, even though growing up in church, is an unbeliever. On all sides of him in the battle, fellow soldiers are being cut down by artillery and bullets. He keeps coming through unscathed but still needs to fall on his knees before God and repent of his sins and trust Christ as his personal Savior.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM