War Relief Updates - November 23, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Last week we mentioned that a local newspaper in South Dakota interviewed us to publicize the meeting there with brother Igor. Not only did that interview make the paper, but it turned out to be the front-page story. The publicity was so successful that there were more visitors than church members present to hear brother Igor. Here is a link where you can view this news article:

South Dakota Newspaper Article

2. This message from Ukraine, which we just received, is typical of the personal updates we’re receiving: “Our relatives just called, their region is being hit with missiles. Their infrastructure is taken out, no water, sewer, heat, or electric, sounds like this may be the case in Kyiv as well.” Our own check of independent news agencies confirms that Ukraine’s power grid has been destroyed on a “colossal” scale, with nearly no thermal or hydroelectric stations left unscathed.”

3. On Monday, November 28, Vitaly Bilyak plans to make a trip into the liberated city of Kherson with both food aid and Bibles to distribute. Although he and church members have made multiple trips to the eastern front, this will be his first to the southern city of Kherson. He requests prayers for God’s protection and guidance throughout this trip. (P.S. In the past week, he successfully transported from Poland the 3 generators ordered for Ukraine.)

4. Thanks to the new generator the Ternopil church now has, that congregation is planning to create a “warming center,” which they will advertise in the community. Anyone who is cold and needs a place to warm up can come in for relief from the frigid temperatures. In turn, this center will give church members opportunities to share their salvation testimonies and the Gospel with such visitors.

5. At the brand-new church they are planting in the Druzhba district of Ternopil, Serhiy and Karina Koop are planning an event for next week called “The Day of the Bible.” This outreach is geared to attract visitors, but the Koops hope especially to reach refugees who need to hear the Gospel.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM