War Relief Updates Email - June 10, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

  1. Greetings from Kyiv! It is a wonderful blessing to be back in this amazing capital city, though at the same time it is heartbreaking to see all the destruction we saw in so many places on the way here. Since Kyiv had not been bombed for a month, some men in the Kyiv area were contemplating letting their families return. However, because Kyiv was bombed on Sunday, those plans have been put on hold.

  2. Last week, we mentioned that a fifth container of donated goods was delivered to a church in Fastiv which is southwest of Kyiv. BIEM has two church plants in this city which is a key railroad center. Recently Fastiv was also targeting by Russia bombs. One of our churches there which operates a very successful drug and alcohol rehab center, was so close to the bombing that most of the windows and some doors were blown out. Tomorrow or the next day we plan to go there to survey the damage.

  3. Pastor Igor’s family did return to Desna since his wife Alexandra had to return due to her position working for the Ukrainian military. Please pray for their safety. Since last week’s horrific bombing that killed over 80 people in Desna, many of those who have stayed spend nights camping in nearby forests fearing that the city will once again be attacked.

  4. Two of our men obtained special permission to leave Ukraine since they assist with distributing humanitarian aid. However, they must return with humanitarian (including medicines) within a specified time framework. Eugene Buyko was able to visit his family, which had been evacuated to Germany, and Vitaly Bilyak is planning to visit his family, which we were able to get to the United States through Mexico.

  5. Keep praying for the Keller family, for whom we applied for refugee status via the “Unite with Ukraine” program that the United States announced. We applied shortly after the program was announced but still have not heard anything. Similarly, another family connected with our ministry, the Debelinskys, have been waiting in Germany 3 months for a visa.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM