BIEMs of Light: January 2024

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, 3 Afghanis trusted Christ as Savior at a Christmas service. Children participated by reciting Scripture verses, which pierced the hearts of many. Praise God!

  • In the country of Georgia, BIEM missionary one of our BIEM missionaries excitedly shares that a special course designed to deepen pastors’ understanding of Scripture is set to begin next week. “We have prayed for and waited for an opening to begin this training for months.” Praise God for a chance to serve other pastors!

  • Also, in the nation of Georgia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes’ write, “It is a joy we cannot adequately express in words, that we are within relatively short flights for people who cannot be baptized in their closed countries, to find us and come here to follow our Lord freely and openly in believers’ baptism.” Amen!

  • Concerning Afghani refugees who have fled to Central Asian areas where BIEM has workers, our field director recently messaged to say, “Praising God together with our Afghani church plant and the angels. Two more Afghani men came to faith in Jesus Christ this morning.” A follow-up message praised God for a woman who had likewise placed her trust in the Savior!

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • In a short amount of time, we have received applications identifying over 600 Ukrainian soldiers for whom church volunteers have committed to deliver the $100 worth of warm clothing that we are providing through our warm-clothing-for-soldiers efforts. It appears we will have no problem reaching 1,000. However, donations for this project are currently at $44,000, so another $56,000 is needed. Please pray that God’s people will provide and that He will be glorified as soldiers receive these gifts in His name.

  • The winter session of BIEM’s seminary in Kyiv, Ukraine, is scheduled to begin on January 29. Praise God, new students have enrolled. However, as of the New Year, Russian missile and drone attacks on Kyiv have increased dramatically. Some areas are experiencing shortages of electricity and natural gas. Please pray that the session will go smoothly and not be hindered by any shortages.

  • In western Asia, police showed up at the Sunday, December 31, service of our church planters there. Please pray that our workers will be allowed to continue ministering.

  • Some good news is that our container has finally crossed from Poland into Ukraine, where it is waiting at Customs. Despite news that the new regulations for such shipments were postponed 6 months, that does not appear to be the case for ours. Please pray for our Ukrainian director, Eugene Buyko, as he plods through many wearying steps to fulfill the new stricter requirements.

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