BIEMs of Light: March 2025

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • Our latest container of war relief arrived in Fastiv in February, and the church there has been distributing its contents, both locally and through churches in other towns. May God be glorified through this aid!

  • In February we requested prayer for our plans to bring one of our missionaries in a Muslim country here to speak in supporting churches and bring updates. God blessed, and Sasha has arrived safely. During March, he will speak in churches in North Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

  • Last week, men from Prairie Creek Baptist Church in Kingman, Indiana, delivered an auditorium’s worth of pews to BIEM. These pews will go to Awakening Baptist church in Kyiv. That church has been meeting in the basement while constructing their auditorium. Nearing completion, they had no idea how to provide seating. They rejoiced to see photos of the pews and thank God for this answer to prayer!

  • Last winter, we provided 1,650 Ukrainian soldiers with $100 worth of warm clothing and New Testaments. Not just any soldiers but soldiers directly connected with members of our churches. In repeating the project this winter, we shared how we had received applications representing 1,076 soldiers and needed $16,000 to meet this need. Praise God, we received $16,890! The extra $890 will go toward additional applications that have since come in.

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • After studying in John, one of the newest Afghani students in the Central Asia Bible Institute realized his faith was only a head knowledge about Christ. The next day, he gave testimony in front of 80 Afghans that he had previously not been born again but was now fully trusting Christ. Through tears, he challenged the church to not play games with Jesus but to truly know Him.

  • Last year we shared the remarkable story of how the Lord used two elderly ladies to re-establish a church that had been closed and largely destroyed under Russian occupation in their town. Our missionary Pavel Usach requests for prayer for one of those ladies. Her health has suddenly deteriorated, and she can no longer walk. Please pray for Anna.

  • BIEM director for Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, and others drove to within 10 miles of the fighting in Donbas. They set up a roadside kitchen, where they offered free hot soup and New Testaments. God gave Eugene many spiritual conversations. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work via His Word.

  • As Russia’s war against Ukraine enters its 4th year, please continue to pray for a fair conclusion to the aggression. If you’re interested, We have free postcard and bookmark reminders that list ways to pray. 

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